Sunday, December 11, 2022


A strong culture lifts up- a mediocre strategy; a weak culture contaminants -a good strategy; aren’t they -intertwined, reinforce each other, intangibly?

If organization is like-

the ocean vehicle;

strategy is -

the compass to -

navigate it through;

culture is like -

the water,

push it forward,

or sink it deep…

A strong culture lifts up-

a mediocre strategy;

a weak culture contaminants -

a good strategy;

aren’t they -


reenforce each other,


Do not underestimate-

the inertia of culture;

do not overstate -

a carefully crafted strategy;

strategy implementation takes -

iterative steps;

culture change is -

a tough journey,

few strategies can wait for -

culture's evolutionary change;

become irrelevant, unfortunately.

Strategy is the light-

guide us through;

culture is pathway to -

make paradigm shift;

strategy is the blueprint of

future organization;

culture is a residue of-

collective habit;

can you expedite-

culture change,

keep it -

in a state of flux;

transform it to-

suit a chosen strategy,

in order to refine -

an advanced society,



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