Sunday, December 25, 2022


Regardless who we  are, where we live; holidays awake -our consciousness to -pursue truth, despise false; ponder sequence-consequence in humanity…

It’s a peaceful, quiet holiday,

It’s another moment to-

hold on our beliefs,

refresh our thoughts;

ponder the spirit of Christmas:

benevolence, thoughtfulness, fairness;

discover the meaning for -

the journey of being called life-

purpose, potential,

adventure, accomplishment.

Regardless of our differences,

all human beings are -

more similar than different;

can we take a holistic viewpoint of -

people with -

growth perspectives,

set the common principles to-

encourage desired changes.

solve perplex problems facing -

humanity, smoothly.

Regardless of who we are,

where we live;

holidays awake -

our consciousness to -

pursue truth,

despise false;

can we listen to-

diverse viewpoints;

understand the other side of-

the coin;

broaden the perspective to -

fix misperceptions;

eliminate unconscious bias;

clarify sequence & consequence;

to convey the essence of Christmas?


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