Thursday, December 29, 2022


It takes truly strategic foresight to run a high-performance business by making long term planning, learning the lessons from the past, and building differentiated competency for the future.

We are living in a complex world in which developments and conflicts are continuously changing and that makes it impossible to have complete knowledge and understanding of many issues facing the business today. 

The traditional management discipline based on silo thinking, linear logic, and reductionist approach is outdated somehow. Insightful leaders need to be sophisticated enough to deal with “VUCA” reality, intelligent to make effective decisions, and nimble enough to drive changes promptly.

Let go of the current reality for allowing an unknown future state to emerge and manage changes dynamically: Digital organizations are all about information savvy, expanding both horizontally and vertically, across all business dimensions to voyage into “VUCA” dynamic with speed. Building a change vision is often difficult as it requires a link to the overall strategic imperatives of the company. Business leaders need to reimagine the future of the business, keep their eyes on the higher horizons and focus on what matters the most, identify what generates the most value for the company and express that in strategic objectives clearly. It’s also important for the leadership team to mitigate the impact of uncertainty or risk by enabling a team to encounter uncertainty and deal with them strategically.

Digital businesses imply people-centricity, business intelligence, and speed. Leveraging the pragmatic view and taking the approach to deal with uncertainty and unpredictability also include planning in a short time and taking incremental effort. Leaders need to constantly share vision, enabling others to share it as well. Take a wide look around at what's going on outside the organization; identify opportunities and threats. Take a hard look at what's going on inside the organization, including its strengths and weaknesses. So they can make strategic decisions more objectively.

Let go of accumulated traditional wisdom, apply nonlinear logic and creativity to solve complex problems in an optimal way: Increasing speed of changes, frequent disruptions are often led by information exponentiality, emerging technologies, digitization, consumerism, and many other factors are creating new challenges and opportunities for enterprises. Traditional silo views and command & control management disciplines are perhaps outdated to overcome unprecedented levels of uncertainty. The fresh insight not only has enriched context but also is an attitude to share and grow; ask questions, become part of solutions to complex problems facing organizations.

Business leaders need to unfold systemic relationships, solicit feedback, listen to different opinions to avoid falling into linear management traps, apply creative analysis skills to challenge assumptions, common beliefs, too soon conclusions, and to be able to contemplate multiple, even conflicting views of situations. Keep people awake, engaged, and informed, in that order, make ongoing communication, and take structural efforts to change.

Let go of assumptions and stigmas we place on business objects, function, ideas, and have a vision of purpose besides what is already obvious:
The future state is very fluid, it can be defined in the present moment but will change while we are trying to reach it. The way to attain wisdom is to have an open mind with multidimensional thinking skills. Let go of assumptions and stigmas, be open-minded to learn fresh ideas, be aware you could be wrong; be aware yours is not the only valid worldview, learn to see the world from different angles.

Capturing multiple views to describe the future state of the business enables business management to lead forward confidently. Vision statements are really what you see at the moment, and may change over time as you grow and learn. The current vision needs to be the principal guide to coherent decision-making and resource allocation. Build a clear vision statement. Be brief, be succinct, be essential! A vision needs to adapt over time since the world and competitive environment doesn't stay still, but keep evolving. Empowering people to contribute ideas generation and implementation is crucial to make vision a reality.

The successful business achievement is a complex fabric with numerous variables, contextual nuances, and human sensitivities. In reality, too many organizations operate in reactive mode and get stuck at a lower level of maturity. When the speed of change is accelerated, organizations have to improve structural resilience for speeding up products/services deliveries and improving business agility. It takes truly strategic foresight to run a high-performance business by making long term planning, learning the lessons from the past, and building differentiated competency for the future.


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