Sunday, December 25, 2022


Real societal advancement is made through the work of forwarding-looking minds, updating knowledge, and progressive activities to lift humanity constantly.

We belong to modern societies with varying characteristics such as citizenship, freedom, liberty, a system of fairness. However, the real world is sometimes dysfunctional, causing pain for many of us in reality. Isn’t this holiday season to make a wish, fix the root causes of problems from mindset to behavior, make the modern world fully functioning, let benevolence, capabilities, great things shine through the darkness at the dawn time of leapfrogging progression. 

Can we make deep inquiries to scrutinize thoughts, words, human intentions, behaviors anthropologically? Are we ready and willing to eliminate what clearly isn't working, rejuvenate cultures and renew the fresh energy?

Are you able to identify cultural behavior -the beliefs and unspoken rules that everybody in the organization knows and shares? How does it drive culture- collective organizational mindset and behaviors? Culture can make or break an organization. Culture is soft, but it's one of the “toughest” ingredients in the “digital transformation formula.” Culture is invisible, but it's one of the most powerful factors for organizational or societal long-term prosperity. A good culture is a foundation for seamless changes and collective progression. Culture is not something that can be identified based on the slogans you posted on the wall; the smile you put on the face or the costume you wear to the work thoroughly; you need to see around the corner, observe what people say or do when the management is not around; culture is also not the thing that can be dictated and followed such as a new policy or rule from management.

It comes down to which perspective you wish to take - values, behaviors or underlying assumptions for understanding the culture deeply. Too many rigid procedures or hidden rules will stifle creativity and free thinking, thus, make culture outdated. Culture has to permeate into the fluid digital business environment and needs to be nurtured via communication, collaboration, and a culture of innovation is like a blender that well mixes important ingredients such as passion, focus, and teamwork. In fact, by learning to break down old rules and clarify cultural logic, we would see a fundamental and dramatic shift in reinventing the culture and making a paradigm shift.

Are you able to recognize culture patterns - does the company truly embrace openness, transparency, collaboration, empowerment, respect for the value of people and adding value to the enterprises, etc. Focus on the fact that the fundamental nature of organizations that consists of human social systems, which are partially designed, even architected, but are also grown, matured, and evolved. A culture of passionate people that embrace change and seek understanding will be paramount.

A culture of innovation isn't built in a day; you can’t impose the desired culture to the organization. When the organization only rewards the rule followers, not innovators, the old rule breakers, more often, they focus on encouraging mediocrity, short term results, not long term vision.Insightful leaders should inspire creative thinking, independent thinking, holistic thinking, encourage growth mindset and rejuvenate culture of changes. It’s important to recognize your innovators - lookout for curious people with a broad knowledge based, interdisciplinary understanding, bold vision and hands-on attitude and benevolent behaviors.

Are you able to quantify the culture in order to reinvent it -Does culture really need to be quantified, can you measure it effectively? The culture thing includes feelings and emotions that you will know by the level and transparency of organizational interactions across hierarchy. Culture is intangible, but can be assessed objectively. Understand both the internal and external aspects of the workplace. The first step is to get a baseline read of the culture. This can be done using any number of tools or asking a series of questions that get at the hard part of what is working and not working.

Technically, understand more about if/how to measure progress in the cultural aspects of an organization. It's about what matrix you use to measure and the ability to respond positively with transparency and stay with it for the long term.Some cultural instruments are in fact measuring climate If you can map the culture you have and the culture you want, you have effective and efficient processes to enable transformation with strong management support, then you can begin making culture change happening smoothly.

People suffer from distorted perceptions, outdated culture, dysfunctional societal systems, Culture and brand are the most important "soft" elements that a company will make since they will define how the company interacts with its various stakeholders. It’s important to understand societal culture phenomenon and contextualization via different lenses. Real societal advancement is made through the work of forwarding-looking minds, updating knowledge, and progressive activities to lift humanity constantly.


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