Wednesday, December 14, 2022


An innovator has -the obligation to- evoke a full emotion cycles in -the art & science they- produce, because, they embody- the enthusiasm of - being creative, in a fulfilling way, influentially?

An innovator has-

an obligation to-

her vision,

be authentic,

think strategically;

believe in selves;

by taking initiatives out of-

real concern, purpose,

to make-

difference, impressively.

An innovator has-

an obligation to -

be a natural creative thinker;

being open-minded to -

brainstorm, question,

challenge common beliefs,

bring new perspective,

fresh idea,

unconventional wisdom,


isn’t innovativeness-

a state of mind,

coming out from within,

generating great insight,

not only original,

but also self-satisfying to-

the initiators, introspectively.

An innovator has -

the obligation to-

evoke a full emotion cycles in -

the art & science they-

produce, because,

they embody-

the enthusiasm of -

being creative,

in a fulfilling way, influentially?

An innovator has an obligation to -

be authentic, influential,

never take decisions against-

their own ideological, leadership,

philosophical, aesthetic principles.

An innovator has an obligation to -

love the nature;

reinvent the future;

with responsibilities to ensure -

alternative solutions are -

eco-friendly, sustainable;

benefit the earth,

its inhabitants,

now and in the long-term,



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