Thursday, December 22, 2022


The directorship in any organization must have the ability to guide, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals collaboratively.

he world has become more connected and transparent, the organization becomes more diverse and complex. The contemporary corporate board as the directorial role plays a significant role in overseeing strategy, advising corporate executives on critical issues from an outliers’ perspective, setting culture tones and monitoring business performance.

Highly-effective corporate board leadership is based on its authenticity, profundity, innovation, and the context of influence.

BoDs work as a cohesive team to break down bottlenecks and strengthen weak links: The BoDs as senior leaders oversee business strategy; so they should share collective insight upon key issues, with the ability to address the critical differences between governance and policy issues, practice board rejuvenation processes etc. Digital-savvy corporate boards are able to break down the bottlenecks in communication, performance, and innovation, pulling enough resources for strategy implementation, increasing trustworthiness, catalyzing changes, and accelerating performance.

Sometimes board members’ time is stretched thin so they do not allocate enough time to understand key issues and in many cases, corporate board members are not motivated to be strategically focused. They should practice directorship based on the breadth of business knowledge and in-depth expertise in their domain; laser focus on strengthening the weakest links via bridging cognition/knowledge/ expertise gaps, and help to connect the wider dots for improving business management excellence.

BoDs set the right culture tones, expectations with the management team to improve business performance:
An organization with an excellent culture is arguably capable of giving great results in their competencies. Corporate boards make a set of good policies to cultivate a desired culture such as a culture of innovation, trust, learning agility. A good culture lifts an average strategy, and accelerates a good strategy. The high performing corporate board shows the ability and openness to question itself and its decisions/ discussions for improving strategy management effectiveness. 

The corporate board's role, in large part, is to make good decisions that enhance the value creation for the organization. They need to focus on their own performance as well as the performance of the management team. In forward-looking organizations, the role of the corporate board is to encourage the senior management team to set an innovation climate, lead high performance results. Positive cultures empower people to achieve more, and drive progressive changes. The corporate boards need to improve cultural agility, with the ability to navigate, communicate, interrelate and function well in diverse cultural settings and a hyper-diverse workforce effectively.

Forward-looking BoDs spend the time, energy and effort to recruit the right directors:
The BoD leadership needs to be future-oriented, steer the organization forward with a clear vision, a solid strategic roadmap, and an effective feedback system. BoDs brainstorm issues such as corporate board composition, leadership influence frequently; they should make periodic risk assessments and fine-tuned succession plans. They have to continue removing the barriers, filling the gaps for improving board leadership influence.

The criteria to select BoDs include, but are not limited to independent thinking capability, fair judgment, high-ethical standards, fresh insight, communication objectivity, and the ability to make effective decisions. The corporate board’s succession plan needs to be well aligned with the board composition, to accelerate the business’s strategy evolution and digital transformation.

The directorship in any organization must have the ability to guide, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. In order to build a high-effective leadership team, the forethoughtful organizations should always look for complementary mindsets, capabilities, and skills that they don’t have so that they can build a high performance board team and complement each other to work more harmonized as a team for enhancing governance effectiveness.


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