Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Can we capture - “aha’ moments when -discovering unknown, connect the dots boldly, create flashlight of insight to- explore the world, adventurously.

Inspiration is

moments of -

insight with -

a sudden flashlight of -


propels a person from -

apathy to possibility;

from sympathy to empathy,

transforms the way we perceive -

unleashed potentiality, essentially.

A creative mind is-


able to flash on,

spark up,

illuminates pattern discovery,

dot connections,

generate novel ideas,

all the time.

The world is the mix of

new & old,

brightness & darkness,

are we able to -

opens our eyes, ears, minds,

develop the capacity to-

turn on a flashlight,

take self-aware position of -

experiencing, seeing,

listening to-

all sides of challenges?

Can we capture -

“aha’ moments when -

discovering unknown,

connect the dots boldly,

create flashlight of insight to-

explore the world, adventurously.


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