if you intend to - delay changes, be compliant only, but the the rest of the world - already moved forward, so far away, you become irrelevant, uninspirationally.
a sort of rebellion,
because you do not follow-
others blindly,
but bring up-
different viewpoint;
Too often,
people may take -
the easy path,
think, work at-
a superficial level,
rather than -
deepen understanding;
they lose their character,
blur the vision,
get stuck to -
the past, unwisely.
Radical innovation is -
a rebellion,
with innovativeness-
an imaginable mind to-
think, connect,
transform inward driven creativity into -
outward driven innovation,
make impossible possible;
Learning is always-
the rebellion,
not just to-
absorb knowledge,
but to understand,
apply it to-
unlearn, relearning,
all the time.
Isn’t true learning -
disruptive, insightful;
to break down -
silos, conventional wisdom,
challenge authority,
disobey outdated rules,
unique viewpoints,
There is time to-
speed up;
there is time to-
slow down,
If you try to-
impose solutions that are -
too far ahead of-
change curve,
the result is-
alienation, rebellion,
rather than -
if you intend to -
delay changes,
be compliant only,
but the the rest of the world -
already moved forward,
so far away,
you become irrelevant,
Without constructive rebellions,
knowledge become stale,
ideas are set apart,
the world is-
dimmed down;
the world is-
dimmed down;
can you-
stay energetic,
connect ideas, people, stories,
can you-
stay energetic,
connect ideas, people, stories,
reimagining, refreshing, reforming,
renewing our globe, influentially?
reimagining, refreshing, reforming,
renewing our globe, influentially?
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