Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Leading transformative change takes multifaceted management disciplines and structural procedures.

The exponential growth of information and frequent disruptions are the new normal. It is nevertheless true that the change itself has become unpredictable and evolutionary, continuously happening in such a dynamic environment. With the breakdown of physical barriers and blurred digital territories, organizations need to become more open, informative, and nimble to adapt to the dynamic environment. 

The range, breadth, depth, and pace of uncontrollable factors acting on any organizations mean constant fine-tuning is essential, applying interdisciplinary management to lead business transformation smoothly.

Understand the tough situations, and enjoy the challenges about complex problem-solving: We confront a number of high-complex problems in the hyper-connected world. Trying to fix the wrong cause of a problem will waste time and resources, increasing anxiety, causing more issues later on. How deep your understanding of complex problems is based on the mindset, logic, philosophy, or methodology you leverage to interpret things, clarify causes, and solve problems smoothly.

As many problems are interconnected, if you don’t have a sound solution to each newly created problem, you’ll have very little chances to succeed solving the main problem, because all is connected. Sometimes, it causes more issues or getting stuck at the state of problem-solving impasse. It’s important to look at new ways to analyze problems, ask tough questions, channel energy, enthusiasm, and ideas, to not only come up with one solution to the old or new business problem, but multiple solutions.

Shift culture from a change inhibitor to change enabler & catalyst: Culture is the collective values, beliefs, mindset, attitude, behaviors, habits of the organization. Analogously, culture is the "soil," like great harvest, growing the best crop, you must prepare the soil, ensure it is enriched. Strong culture enables the business to execute the right strategies flawlessly. To shift the culture from a change inhibitor to enabler, anthropology helps to open one’s eyes, discover the amazing and fascinating things that human beings have done, the patterns of behaviors and how to make appropriate culture changes properly. When the company grows, the corporate culture tends to stay the same over time, that is the cultural inertia. Organizational culture transformation is prerequisite for business transformation.

So basically, the execution and conviction of strategy strongly rely on culture. In order to make change happen and leapfrog digital transformation, culture needs to embrace change and creativity. Culture change is a painful journey; you need a winning coalition and insightful change agents who will enable the spread of the faith and make influence. It can be a long democratic process or a tough turnaround. Still, it’s worth the effort to make transformative changes.

Integrate critical success factors into differentiated business competency:
All enterprises are designed to varying degrees of detail and with varying degrees of success, but it does not mean that they are architected seamlessly, and function seamlessly. If you only take the visible business factors such as process or technology alone as an element of the strategy execution, you may miss the point and head to the troubles without considering soft business factors such as culture, communication.

Leading transformative change takes multifaceted management disciplines and structural procedures to drill down the critical success factors to reaching business success for the long term. It’s important to define a set of Temporal Critical Success Factors with both hard and soft components, knitted into differentiated competency, re-define, re-interprete, reinvent the enterprise components and their relationships, manage tailored solutions to overcome complex organizational challenges holistically and accelerate the speed of digital transformation.

Although there are no one size fits all solutions to ensure the success of digital transformation, it is important to take a systematic approach, strike the right balance of “push” and “pull” from multiple directions, apply interdisciplinary management methodologies and practices to integrate soft success factors into hard business competencies for driving changes collaboratively.


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