Monday, January 30, 2023


Breakthrough innovation is - new to the world; something-no one else has done before; really original; are you able to -break down barriers, take advantage of -emerging trends. pull people, things, information technology, in the right direction, create value ultimately?

We are in-

the digital paradigm shift,

with mixed bag of -

old and new;

solid and flow..

what needs to -

be broken down;

what is unbreakable?

We cannot make -

omelets without-

breaking some eggs;

we cannot be -

truly innovative without-

breaking down -

stereotypical mindsets;

silos of thoughts;

outdated rules,

common beliefs;

decision bottlenecks;

overly rigid processes…

When a new stage emerges in-

the progression of society,

continued use of -

the old paradigm,

stale knowledge,


creates ever-increasing problems,


are you able to -

break down -

conventional thinking box;

equip yourself with-

open, insightful, mature mind;

make a concerted effort to-

know, understand others;

give each other the benefit of -

the doubt until proven otherwise.

Breakthrough innovation is -

new to the world;


no one else has done before;

really original;

can you -

break down barriers,

take advantage of -

emerging trends.

pull people, things,

information technology,

in the right direction,

create value ultimately?


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