Friday, January 20, 2023


Strategic alignment is the process of ensuring all organization action is directed to achieving common strategic goals and objectives.

Change is inevitable, organizational change has become a common practice within an organization, but too often changes are made as a reaction to outer impulses, crises, and demands. This is the bureaucracy’s way of meeting the challenges. A digital transformation is achieved via dynamic Strategy-Execution-Change lifecycle management, although it is not all linear steps, but an iterative, ongoing and upgoing change continuum.

The purpose of the book “Change Insight” is to dig deeper to analyze the psychology behind changes and handle problems and changes at the level of the mindset, and explore people-centric change management philosophy and practices.

             Initiatives of Alignment

Initiatealignment iii Running a business is an iterative cycle of problem-solving for achieving clearly defined business performance. There are both hard components such as process, technology, resource, people, and soft elements such as leadership, culture, communication, which need to be aligned or integrated into differentiated business competency.

InitiateAlignment ii From Wikipedia: Strategic alignment is the process and the result of linking the organizational strategy and its objectives with every unit and employee. Alignment is for this reason also needed between units/business functions.

Initiatealignment i As boundaries today are fluid and cursive to streamline information and idea flow for adapting to changes constantly. Cross-silo collaboration is crucial to building dynamic digital capabilities. In fact, collaboration, teamwork, unity bring strength. Every collaborative team will be different, with different strength and varying competency, hence, produce different results. The management needs to clarify via asking insightful questions, build a conductive organizational climate to achieve high performance results with consistent results.

Initiatealignmentinagile Agile is the right mindset, methodology, or approach to enforcing interactive communication, and continuous improvement. There must be committed and continual engagement from the customer/ client/business. They must be part of the WE. To deliver products/services exactly what customers need, with outstanding quality, usability, and experience. In practice, alignment or autonomy, which one is more important for Agile success?

IT Alignment In the industrial era, the "mission of IT" is to provide the information processing capability required by the business at a cost that represents value. Based on this description, an IT organization that is well aligned with the business is managed well enough. However, many organizations are transforming from industrial speed to digital speed, even business-IT well alignment is not mature enough to adapt to the changes, IT need transform from aligning with business to engaging with business, and the new mission of IT could be: How to become game changer to catalyze business growth by proactively engaging in strategic making & execution.

Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify your voice, deepen your digital footprints, and match your way for human progression.


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