Saturday, February 4, 2023


Regretful mind should go with -reflective reasoning, not reflexive thinking; be concerned-if you can't move on, but regretting, continually; be alarmed if - a regretful emotion quagmires in you, diminish-your self-confidence. make you struggle, cause you stagnate, inevitably…

Regretting comes if-

you make decisions,

deliberately without -

searching for information,


making choices casually without-

thinking about outcomes,


Regret itself is -

not the problem,

it's what you do with it,

perhaps makes you -

even more regret,

later on;

a regretful mind can be suffering,

if it consumes -

too much of energy,

decrease -

emotional intelligence,


Regret is -

a dwelling in the past,

a fixation on-

the occurred consequence of-

defects among assumptions;

the interpolation of unknowns from-

what was known,

you should not dwell upon it,

but learn from the past,


Regretful mind should go with -

reflective reasoning,

not reflexive thinking;

be concerned-

if you can't move on,

but regretting,


be alarmed if -

a regretful emotion quagmires in you,


your self-confidence.

make you struggle,

cause you stagnate,


Wallowing in regret to -

the point where-

it distracts from-

getting on with life is-

a problem,

but using regret as-

a motivator to avoid -

the same mistakes is-

beneficial, ultimately.


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