Are you mindful to- ensure words have been understood, in the same sense, you meant them, to reflect your thoughts, accurately; perceive our world objectively, solve problems wisely?
Words are like beads;
come in-
different shapes and sizes,
they need to -
get streamlined together,
demonstrate clear logic,
make great linguistic artwork,
piece by piece..
The words are selected,
on the basis of -
thought processes;
do not just digest-
the words,
but dig through-
the thoughts,
as clarity of -
thoughts brings-
clarity of words,
to avoid-
“lost in translation” syndrome,
Because each one of us chooses -
the meaning following-
thought processes;
the words are -
the symptom,
but the thoughts are-
the root causes for -
solving humankind challenges,
You cannot change-
the way people perceive-
the world unless-
they are encouraged to-
change their thoughts;
the words need to reflect -
your own thoughts,
you must learn to -
use words, wisely,
not just throw them away,
are you mindful to-
ensure words have been understood,
in the same sense,
you meant them,
to reflect your thoughts,
perceive our world,
solve problems
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