Paradigm shift represents - a break with the past, having a high level of- impact, complexity, in tangible and intangible dimensions...
The global world is -
diverse, interdependent,
our perception affects-
the world,
how we wish to -
impact the world,
are we understanding-
ourselves, deeply;
is our perception subjective,
or objectively;
as how we project on-
the world,
impacts surrounding,
Our shared globe is -
complex, ambiguous,
interdependent, hyper-connected,
a small effect,
in one place causes -
a cascade of events,
produce unproportioned impact,
isn’t the impact of -
our deeds spreading across-
primordial cycles of-
cause and effect,
coming back to-
us beyond -
the boundaries of-
our memories,
We are moving from-
a static, linear world towards -
a dynamic, personalized digital era,
the paradigm shift represents -
a break with the past,
having a high level of-
impact, complexity, in-
tangible and intangible dimensions;
it directly impacts -
how we think, do things;
shall we keep learning agile,
innovate the world,
make impact,
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