Monday, January 16, 2023


Creativity can be amplified, collectively, systematic structure provides -the shell within which- individuals collaborate to -create transparency, amplify creativity, significantly.

Creativity is about -

connecting dots;

Systems Thinking helps to -

discover connectivity,

common ground from -

the difference;

to be creative,

you need to-

be conscious,

curious about-

the things

surrounding you;

Systems Thinkers desire to -

listen to -

diverse viewpoint,

shape their own opinions,


The voice of Systems Thinking is to-

communicate within-

the spiral of -

conscious awareness;

through which,

creativity is manifested,

in various directions;

engaged with -

both the inner world of -

thought, feeling, choice;

the exterior world of synergy, experience,


Creativity can be amplified,


systematic structure provides -

the shell within which-

individuals collaborate to -

create transparency,

amplify creativity,


Innovators with-

system understanding are-

knowledgeable, imaginable,

see invisible behind -


learn lessons from-

the past;

perceive connectivity, interdependence between -

parts and the whole;

envision -

how the small wave of-

changes might turn to-

the big tide, overwhelmingly;

change the future significantly.


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