Sunday, January 1, 2023


Let necessary speak, empower change agents. Are we inspired to - refresh mindset, update knowledge, keep moving forward via- a necessary “pushing and pulling” influentially?

In the age of -

information overloading,

rapid change;

it's hard to -

explore the truth;

uncover the myth,

take necessary steps in-

breaking down old;

binding up values,


fresh energy,

to reinvent the future,


Out-of-box thinking is necessary if -

conventional wisdom is like-

the glue-

making people get stuck,

in the past,

lagging behind -

contemporary society.

A necessary push is-

imperative to-

accelerate progression

in the New Year, if -

stagnation implies-

unresponsiveness, unproductivity,

unhappiness, unnecessary pain,

as part of reality,

in the past decade, sadly.

Stereotypical thinking causes -





communication gaps;

culture chasm;

are we inspired to -

refresh mindset,

update knowledge,

keep moving forward via-

a necessary “pushing and pulling” influentially?

Get rid of -

unnecessary hierarchy,

overly rigid boundaries,

outdated traditions,

if silos make-

people feel isolated;

build the wall in-

people’s mind;

set barriers in -

human's heart, painfully.

Let necessary speak,

empower change agents, if-

people get stuck at-

the comfort zone,

cling to-

the status quo;

blame those who -

challenge it;

can we overcome-

complacency, mediocrity,

make the new year -

a fresh beginning;

in order to advance-

human society,



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