Tuesday, January 3, 2023


A combination of a long-term perspective with quick-solution might be a good approach to present some deliverables continuously.

Organizations become more complex, it is important to train your managers and people to think more critically, strategically, and systematically. Business leaders and strategists need to present a profound and clear example of how to gauge an individual's thinking style quickly and effectively. 

The managers have to think “big,” understand that the business as a whole is more superior to any function, grasp quick insight and bring long term business perspective, motivate many people and make them feel more engaged with their work, to create value coherently.

Leaders have flexibility to make quick decisions and communicate them clearly: Problem-solving becomes more complex nowadays; both quick logic and comprehensive analysis are crucial for decision-making effectiveness. Many may think intuition is opposite to logic, but more precisely, an intuitive mind is a complementary thinking process to rational thinking. The right dose of “gut feeling” or quick logic intuition supported by analytical logic enables us to capture the flash of ideas or unique insight.

To solve problems intuitively, ask around: Is there a structure to the problem? Can you see unique patterns and make fresh connections that others overlook? Create engagement around insight, enabling good scenarios and forecasting to pursue decision alternatives. You will dramatically open up your options and build your abilities to make effective decisions.

Insightful organizations take the balanced analytics approach by focusing on long term goals with some quick insight: In order to make information more “visible” for shareholders, the companies need to investigate areas where they can have "quick insight" with new approaches to big data. The quick insight based on big data solves handy business issues, but the well-defined road-map focuses on shaping long-term differentiated business capability.

Think big, start small; well define business goals, then, diagnose the current problems based on quality information holistically, recognize quick win and long term optimization; have cross-functional team buy-in, if it's truly the project worth the effort with tangible ROI, budget issues may also be solved accordingly.

It is important for the business management to gain quick understanding for prioritizing as soon as possible underneath risk management:
There are risks hidden in organizational surroundings almost on a daily basis. The issue is how the risk management will actually work in order to solve issues with the highest risks appropriately. Reach the quick understanding through detailed risk assessment and point to the issues that needed to be solved first. The quick solution is very focused on the specific problem, so the broader picture and potential impact on other things are explored later on.

Most businesses get stuck at the lower level of business maturity. but they are inching their way to full agility. Assessing and managing risk effectively is an important step in improving organizational maturity and achieving high-performance business results. The risk management process helps people prioritize the activities they are committed to resourcing in addition to serving as a cross check for anything that they may have missed or are doubling up on.

A combination of a long-term perspective with quick-solution might be a good approach to present some deliverables continuously. The senior executive teams intend to build a future state blueprint for the business improvement program, focusing on how to leverage invaluable resources to minimize risks and maximize value-generation; striking the right balance of quick solution and long term problem-solving competency.


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