Organizational management is a set of principles, processes, and practices, encouraging the best, and fixing the worst.
Organizations have limited resources and talent, the real challenge is to understand your priorities, understand what’s blocking overall business achievements, targets, and performance, know where and how you can and should improve, leverage available resources, and focus on the most important things.
Organizational management should recognize the best, diagnosing the worst, in order to overcome barriers, develop the best & next practices, solve crucial problems, throughout their organization to accelerate digital transformation.
The best people-centric organizations understand, respect, delight customers; without respect and empathy, customer service becomes worse: The digital era upon us is about people, choice, innovation. Understanding the satisfaction of the customer, user and stakeholders is what allows the business to become more customer centric. Often, the lagging organization’s focus is on making a short-term profit, but such shortsightedness doesn't buy well-being, innovation or long-term prosperity. Customers want to be looked upon as human beings. Customer service requires, first and foremost, great listening skills, using sentimental analysis to understand customers’ needs, and how to solve their problems empathetically..
It’s important to genuinely engage both internal and external customers. If customers are not satisfied with your products or service. In the end, the most important questions to be answered are "why did this complaint exist in the first place and how can we ensure that it never happens again, how to generate value both for customers and organizations, etc. As value is a feeling and it is held in the guts and emotions of stakeholders. While there will also be an element of subjectivity in these matters. There have to be some hard numbers to calculate success. This is what "value" is all about and the importance of calculating it.
The best culture can support an average strategy; but a worst culture causes failures of a good strategy: Culture precedes strategy. Culture is one of the main factors that affect implementation of strategies. The right culture is a prerequisite foundation for implementing strategy. A good culture can support a weak strategy, but a weak culture cannot support a great strategy. An organization's cultural orientation forms the basis for initiating and improving on strategies and sustaining it.
The best cultures are inclusive, learning-agile, high-performance, enable a viable strategy; on the other hand, a great strategy in a corrosive culture is doomed. A good strategy should also take account of culture into the enterprise even around the enterprise. Culture is established as part of the DNA of the organization then strategy can be implemented. Culture is more important because you can recover more quickly from mistakes in strategy if the culture supports changes than you can from the culture that is maladapted to the evolving needs of the business or industry.
The best outcome is to make the right decision to solve the right problems with tangible results; the worst outcome is to make no decision or to delay the decision to the point of ineffectiveness: At today’s “VUCA” -volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous digital dynamic, all people want to know how to avoid unnecessary mistakes, especially the worst ones, in order to make crucial decisions right. In reality, many poor decisions are made by very intelligent people. But decision making is the professional capability which can be developed. Making sound processes to frame decisions is critical. An essential part of the 'framing process' is to understand what your high-level outcomes are related to the issue, opportunity or problem.
It’s crucial to make logical reasoning about the good and worse outcomes. You cannot choose between alternatives without being clear about your desired outcome. The importance of the process becomes critical as decisions become more complex and involve more diverse stakeholders. Focus on making effective decisions and the best chance for a good outcome is to make a good decision. If the decision-making scenario is well designed and well-executed, you have the highest probability of getting the best outcome in the state of knowledge accessible at the time of decision-making.
The world is constantly changing, and digital is all about flow; to effectively respond to the digital dynamics, companies must begin thinking about ways with strategic planning to broaden their ecosystems and revenue streams while becoming more responsive and scalable, The practices that are "best" today are almost always not "best" in the future. Organizational management is a set of principles, processes, and practices, encouraging the best, and fixing the worst. The art of management enables us to reimagine the possibility of unlocking collective potential. With management as science, the organization can bring greater awareness of intricacies and the systemic value of organizational systems, to improve organizational performance significantly.
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