Sunday, February 12, 2023


Can we push- imagination switch to -generate novel ideas, effortlessly; shall we pull up- the logical string, to clarify truth from myth, refine known from flowing, discerningfully?

People, organizations operate in-

the real world;

the real world is -

muddy and chaotic;

it takes vision to -

push the world forward;

It takes insight to-

pull the world together.

The world is-

neither white nor black,

it has -

a full spectrum of-

color themes;

competition pushes us to-

move faster,

survives from-

nature dynamic;

cooperation pulls us,

in the same direction

to deal with -

common challenges;

competition motivates us to-

scrutinize ourselves, others,

push us to -

ride ahead of-

change curves, promptly;

cooperation inspires us to -

know each other deeply,

pull us through -

understanding thread,


Nature is full of -

uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity;

true wisdom is like-

a magnet to-

attract seemingly opposite,

but complementary viewpoints;


can we push-

imagination switch to -

generate novel ideas,


shall we pull up-

the logical string,

to clarify truth from myth,

refine known from flowing,


are we able to -

anticipate with unity,

via "pulling" factors;

to push -

the humanity forward,



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