Monday, January 9, 2023


As the content inside -your thinking box could be stale sooner than -what you thought of; it’s crucial to -unlearn, relearn, keep your mind fresh, timely?

Being human starts with being able to -

really look, feel inside:

"who am I really";

understand strength, weakness,

filters, bias;

bring inner peace;

from that stage,

you are -

more comfortable to be yourself,


ponder around:

where does such inner strength come from,

your mind or your heart, deeply?

All conflict starts on-

the inside;

projected outward;

can you look inside,

from mindset to attitude;

to know yourself,

deep inside;

gain understanding of others,


shall we develop -

talented people,

hold them in -

high regards;

not only for -

who they are,

but for the potential,

that lies inside of them,


As the content inside -

your thinking box could be stale sooner than -

what you thought of;

It’s crucial to -

unlearn, relearn,

keep your mind fresh, timely?

Can you go from -

thinking tough issues inside of-

the head only to-

verbalizing them,

shifts from -

one mode of thought to another,


Creativity happens at the intersection of -

inside out cognition & outside-in brainstorming;

could you look at-

what other people have inside-

their boxes,

figure out-

how their ideas different from -

what's in your box, substantially?

Should you complement -

each other’s perspective,

clarify common understanding,

to deal with “VUCA” reality,



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