Thursday, January 5, 2023


Look at people, their activities; novelty-seeking behaviors; isn’t innovation -"intentional novelty bringing- sustainable benefit,” tangibly?

ovel ideas shine through-

the darkness;

like the light brightens -

the surroundings;

loose ideas spread -

on the ground,

connect into-

the outer environment to-

generate novelty,

all the time.

Novel problem-solving is -

how to think,


from a fresh perspective,

apply interdisciplinarity to -

develop new solutions,


practice innovative problem-solving,

to spark novelty, inspirationally.

Look at people,

their activities;

novelty-seeking behaviors;

can they challenge-

assumptions, beliefs, conclusions,

overcome conventional wisdom,

to discover -

unveiled truth,

explore untaken path,

experiment with-

the better way to-

do things, courageously?

Are they able to-

exercise their talent,

unleash human potential,

inspire novelties, passionately?

Isn’t innovation -

"intentional novelty bringing-

sustainable benefit,” tangibly?


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