Not only takes passion but also needs to work hard, cultivate a culture of creativity, and develop a systematic innovation management discipline to improve the overall innovation management success rate.
The good or bad innovation would depend on the collective attitude to drive innovation and its aptitude to manage innovation smoothly.
It’s important to create a sense of urgency, set the right priority, stretch up, but not stress out for boosting creative energy: Creativity is infused with an inner cohesion, emotional wholeness and comes from a unique vision; keep minds flowing to release positive energy. Unfortunately, many traditional command-control working environments are static and overly hierarchical. There is no energy in the room because people are afraid of being themselves and saying anything which might cause conflicts; the management encourages compliance, rather than creativity. It’s crucial to break down outdated traditional management in order to boost creative energy.
Employee engagement and mass collaboration in the innovation process increases participation and catalyzes creativity. You need passion to take creative initiatives; intellectual curiosity to develop creativity, conflict to initiate, but after initiation, there should be the brainstorming to create! Highly innovative organizations involve customers, different stakeholders as active agents, listen to their feedback, involve them in both idea generation and process implementation.
Organization’s information pulse and digital tempo need to run at the right pace to keep the enterprise circling and build innovation capacity: Innovation is a means, not an end. The very goal of doing innovation is to solve problems large or small alternatively. It’s important for business leaders to improve innovation capacity management effectiveness by keeping processes transparent, enforcing accountability at all levels, and focusing on long term innovation strategy management.
The breadth and depth of innovation is dependent on the interdisciplinary understanding of the patterns and information clues behind the innovation puzzle. In order to make wise investment on innovation capability development, articulate business goals, scope, outcomes, specify technical capabilities within scope, approach, costs, time frames, risks, etc, To make innovation capacity planning effective and practical, it is important to keep the bigger picture perspective, make decisions about the ideal workload, and be clear on what, who, when, and how to achieve business goals based on available resources and talent. It’s important to gain insight into the condition and relationship or dependency of capabilities to improve innovation capability coherence.
Be sensitive to the psychology of innovation, besides having a sense of urgency: Innovation is risky, with a very low success rate. Failure is part of innovation. Fail fast and fail forward! It is important to lead innovation forward, but also take “lessons learned” from the past. Practicing innovative thinking takes a certain psychological resilience to break away from thoughts that others have thought about or conventional wisdom.
Innovation comes with the foresight to envision a need that others overlook and a willingness to forge ahead, in spite of a risk of failure. In reality, people tend to be "risk averse." The healthy psychology behind innovation is resilience - being willing to face risks, and overcoming the fear and inertia associated with such risks. Innovation is the most needed change. When innovation fails, businesses should take the time to analyze the process to find the point of failure to avoid it in the future.
Innovation management effort can amplify its effect significantly by practicing the art and scientific disciplines. The radical innovation creates a chain of innovation, meaning it necessarily leads to innovation and enhancements. Not only takes passion but also needs to work hard, cultivate a culture of creativity, and develop a systematic innovation management discipline to improve the overall innovation management success rate.
It’s important to create a sense of urgency, set the right priority, stretch up, but not stress out for boosting creative energy: Creativity is infused with an inner cohesion, emotional wholeness and comes from a unique vision; keep minds flowing to release positive energy. Unfortunately, many traditional command-control working environments are static and overly hierarchical. There is no energy in the room because people are afraid of being themselves and saying anything which might cause conflicts; the management encourages compliance, rather than creativity. It’s crucial to break down outdated traditional management in order to boost creative energy.
Employee engagement and mass collaboration in the innovation process increases participation and catalyzes creativity. You need passion to take creative initiatives; intellectual curiosity to develop creativity, conflict to initiate, but after initiation, there should be the brainstorming to create! Highly innovative organizations involve customers, different stakeholders as active agents, listen to their feedback, involve them in both idea generation and process implementation.
Organization’s information pulse and digital tempo need to run at the right pace to keep the enterprise circling and build innovation capacity: Innovation is a means, not an end. The very goal of doing innovation is to solve problems large or small alternatively. It’s important for business leaders to improve innovation capacity management effectiveness by keeping processes transparent, enforcing accountability at all levels, and focusing on long term innovation strategy management.
The breadth and depth of innovation is dependent on the interdisciplinary understanding of the patterns and information clues behind the innovation puzzle. In order to make wise investment on innovation capability development, articulate business goals, scope, outcomes, specify technical capabilities within scope, approach, costs, time frames, risks, etc, To make innovation capacity planning effective and practical, it is important to keep the bigger picture perspective, make decisions about the ideal workload, and be clear on what, who, when, and how to achieve business goals based on available resources and talent. It’s important to gain insight into the condition and relationship or dependency of capabilities to improve innovation capability coherence.
Be sensitive to the psychology of innovation, besides having a sense of urgency: Innovation is risky, with a very low success rate. Failure is part of innovation. Fail fast and fail forward! It is important to lead innovation forward, but also take “lessons learned” from the past. Practicing innovative thinking takes a certain psychological resilience to break away from thoughts that others have thought about or conventional wisdom.
Innovation comes with the foresight to envision a need that others overlook and a willingness to forge ahead, in spite of a risk of failure. In reality, people tend to be "risk averse." The healthy psychology behind innovation is resilience - being willing to face risks, and overcoming the fear and inertia associated with such risks. Innovation is the most needed change. When innovation fails, businesses should take the time to analyze the process to find the point of failure to avoid it in the future.
Innovation management effort can amplify its effect significantly by practicing the art and scientific disciplines. The radical innovation creates a chain of innovation, meaning it necessarily leads to innovation and enhancements. Not only takes passion but also needs to work hard, cultivate a culture of creativity, and develop a systematic innovation management discipline to improve the overall innovation management success rate.
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