Breakthrough innovation and business transformation takes a holistic approach. They are not just an extension of continuous improvement of the current business, but a big leap with radical change.
Nowadays the business environment is dynamic, uncertain, organizations that are able to explore the hidden dimensions of growth can gain advantages by pushing the boundaries of a more complicated business mix, grasping opportunities to create multifaceted value and shape long term business competencies.
Surviving and thriving in today’s business dynamic requires structural flexibility, cross-functional collaboration, cross-boundary process, and intuitive user interface to reduce business frictions, deal with conflicts or disruptions continually, in order to achieve high performance outcomes structurally.
Innovative idea generation-implementation continuum via iterative convergence- divergence- convergence cycle: Organizations initiate progressive movement on a daily basis to either produce value or solve problems. In practice, there has to be enough net value increase to make it worth the effort of handling those activities smoothly. A company can have all the recognition, celebrations and such it wants, but unless the relationship is a trustworthy one, these activities will be of limited value in increasing engagement & employee performance
From an innovation management perspective, while the team is analyzing the "problems," it will better go more convergent to really hone in on the "why." Then, an inclusive team can share fresh ideas, as divergence nurtures creativity; organizations have limited resources, effective innovation managers select the best ideas, converge and implement them smoothly.
Stroke the right balance of “old experiences” and “new ways to do things,” via an iterative “learning and doing” continuum: Innovation is the most wanted change. At the organizational level, change management is an ongoing business continuum with multi-stepped processes that include both change resolution and management disciplines. In management practice, understand your work environment, understand what is required to be done, have the right resources and talent, and channel your energy into doing things that can make the difference.
Forethoughtful organizations mobilize change agents who are able to strike the right balance of experience and best practices, learning-doing, process-creativity, personalization and standardization, orchestrate the large scale of business transformation via iterative communication and cross-functional collaboration.
Business leaders appreciate diversity and bridge differences, and manage continuum with focus. It’s important to deal with business complexity with interactive pieces and “conflict” goals via interdisciplinary and empathetic lenses, keep learning agile and build differentiated competency, enable organizations to gain competitive advantages and generate options for providing future business competencies stepwisely.
Breakthrough innovation and business transformation takes a holistic approach. They are not just an extension of continuous improvement of the current business,but a big leap with radical change. Make sure it's practical and unambiguous with a clear sense of purpose and where you want to be within a given timeframe, but strike the right balance, identify interconnections and interdependencies, and understand flows. Become more flexible to drive change continuum.
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