Thursday, February 9, 2023


The dynamic digital ecosystem can be perceived through multidimensional lenses and orchestrated via interdisciplinary disciplines.

The global world is hyper-connected and interdependent; everything and everyone is part of the global business ecosystem which needs to be planned and renewed thoughtfully to reach such a state of dynamic balance.

Our global world is forced to "grow out" of an old paradigm because of constant changes in the physical world or frequent disruptions in reality. In fact, we are in the paradigm shift, how can we perceive the world objectively via complimenting diverse viewpoints, making constructive criticisms, broadening our vision, and deepening understanding the globe from an ecosystem perspective, to make a better world sustainably.

Global system viewpoint: The global environment is dynamic and uncertain, our world has a blended color theme, lyric tones, enriched knowledge and culture heritages. Cross the geographical or industrial boundaries, people with cognitive differences, diverse backgrounds and experiences see things differently. Global perspective based on interdisciplinary knowledge, and collective insight is important in a more volatile, uncertain, ambiguous, hyper-connected and distributed world as it deepens a holistic understanding of circumstances in order to shape a better world collaboratively.

Organizations need new ecosystem partners to pursue common values. Global leaders and professionals understand the multitude of the world, technology and global dialect, embrace different perspectives, demonstrate cultural intelligence, develop empathy, and emotional excellence. Insightful business leaders can set directional guidance, and solve complex problems in a structural way. They are able to reimagine the competitive landscape, find competitive partners that can help their organizations succeed, demonstrate benefits to the global ecosystem in ways at a much faster rate with much broader impact.

Interdisciplinary global ecosystem navigation: Both hard science such as STEM and soft human science such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, culturology, etc, bring up the outside-in view for navigating people-centric solutions across the globe. Understanding the emerging markets could offer particularly fertile ground for innovation opportunities, developing cross-industry ecosystems. It is in part because ways of doing business and customer expectations both tend to be more flexible than those in the developed economy,

In face of fierce competitions and constant disruptions, it’s a strategic imperative for global leaders to have confidence and insight to navigate through the business landscape, embed the multiplier mindset and best practices into strategies, processes, keep their organizations evolving, expanding with its environment, uncover hidden risks, align the different parts of the ecosystem to explore innovation opportunities and accelerate performance.

Integral capacities to scale up global effect:
Digital organizations need to emphasize communication, participation, relationships, and realize that organizations will need to renew themselves periodically to cope with change effectively, design fluid structure that responds to its environment and makes an impact on the hyper-connected digital ecosystem significantly.

Organizations arise when the scale of the interrelations or interactions surpasses one single entity’s capacity to be able to do whatever it does with smaller scales. Forethoughtful organizations as industry ecosystem participants have permission to combine the modular capabilities exposed in a platform to create new experiences, orchestrate a broader ecosystem beyond functional or business borders, and harness the power of global society in today’s fast-changing business world.

Are businesses at the tipping point to embrace a global ecosystem yet? The dynamic digital ecosystem can be perceived through interdisciplinary lenses. With ecosystem perspective and involvement, companies will become more open to diverse opinions and feedback. Be humbler to listen to customers, be more confident to take the path perhaps no one ever takes before, and be more resilient to reinvent a truly global organization and harmonized global society.


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