Sunday, January 8, 2023


It’s imperative to build a strong governance system, set decision/behavior guidelines through policy-making and provide oversight through the audit, lead to effective management and reach a high level of organizational maturity.

The digital environment is constantly changing, forcing the business to keep adjusting accordingly. In fact, today’s organization has become much more dynamic, informative, hyperconnected, and interdependent. Governance is the structure and process of authority, responsibility, and accountability in an organization to enforce business management.

 Without effective GRC discipline and practices, the business will face significant risks for surviving, and opportunities which it creates cannot be transferred into multidimensional business value properly.

It is important to gain sufficient understanding or agreement of the business objectives: In essence, governance is about how well an organization is being run and if set upright, it should oversee the achievement of the vision, mission, and objectives effectively via enforcing decision effectiveness, getting the people, culture, accountability, and performance right. Objectives are basic tools that underlie all planning and strategic activities. Some examples of business objectives include minimizing expenses, expanding globally, or making profit. They serve as the basis for creating policy and evaluating performance. So governance principles & practices enable organizations to clarify purposes, strategic business goals and objectives, and facilitate constant dialogues to solve prioritized problems smoothly.

The best practice of governance takes a value-creation approach. The often overlooked element is business purpose when defining a goal or objective. Asking the question "WHY" you are pursuing something before and during their pursuit will always test whether the objective being worked towards is a valid one. Governance isn’t just about putting restrictions on what you can do, it is also about monitoring, taking appropriate actions at the right time to make reasonable adjustments. Governance is about guiding and regulating those decisions and behaviors to serve the fundamental purpose for which the organization was created in the first place.

It’s crucial to build a sufficient governance approach: One significant effect of today’s digital economy is increased interdependence, complexity, unpredictability, and a need for a faster response to changes in businesses. The purpose of developing an effective governance framework is to define the building blocks of governance principles, processes, and practices, improve business performance through the creation of value to shareholders and other stakeholders in a coherent way.

The effective and structural GRC approach and compliance tools monitor change, alerts the organization to risk conditions, enables accountability and collaboration around changes. It is supported by the top leadership of the enterprise and socialized to the user community, and harnessed via strong leadership disciplines, dynamic processes and hybrid structures.

It’s important to take an interdisciplinary governance approach for harnessing balanced and dynamic business management: Governance is an enabling vehicle that provides a platform for striking the right balance, determining sound corporate attitude, behavior and structured decision-making for improving business maturity. Paradoxes are very hard to reconcile with corporate governance, but strong governance improves business harmonization via lubricating business relationships and balancing varying management approaches.

Governance discipline is complex and multifaceted. Corporate governance enhances strategy management, starting with strategic thinking, then goes to strategy formation and ends with strategic planning. In that process, you often meet many paradoxes, such as logic vs. creativity in strategic thinking or revolution vs. evolution in strategic planning, innovation vs. standardization in strategic implementation. Applying a single layer of governance might either enforce ‘over governance’ or ‘under governance’ in or more of these areas. An interdisciplinary governance approach can harness change, catalyze innovation and create a competitive advantage.

Value creation needs to be embedded in the myriad day-to-day decisions and behaviors taking place at all levels of the entire organization. Effective governance leads to effective management and reaches a high level of organizational maturity. It’s imperative to build a strong governance system, set decision/behavior guidelines through policy-making and provide oversight through the audit, lead to effective management and reach a high level of organizational maturity.


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