Sunday, March 26, 2023


Our wonderful world is- full of- opportunities, risks; perhaps by pursuing -abundant choices, options, we are shifting from -knowledge scarcity to -information fluency, creativity influence, build a people-centric society, progressively.

Perhaps we do not know -

enough about ourselves,

unless we constantly discover-

ourselves consciously,


perhaps we cannot imagine -

how big the world is,

until we are able to-

dig into -

the world of knowledge,

climb the pyramid of wisdom.

The global world we co-share is-

complex, dynamic,

we should be humble to realize,

there are -

many things we know-

we don’t know;

perhaps even more which,

we don't know what -

we don't know;

perhaps it's called-

growing up.

Perhaps we see more of sharing,

interdisciplinarily today;

perhaps all scientific domains have -

human ingredients in it;

keep adding bits of refreshment;

people may have -

years of experience,

but their professional competency does not reach-

the high level of maturity;

perhaps they miss-

important traits,

personal drives to -

keep growing, influencing;

There are -

so many things going on,

in our world;

blindspots are perhaps inevitable,

the point is how to-

deal with them,


if we pick-

the right one to change,

discover untapped leverage,

perhaps we could make -

an impact on-

accelerating performance,


Our wonderful world is-

full of-

opportunities, risks,

perhaps by pursuing -

abundant choices, options,

we are shifting from -

knowledge scarcity to -

information fluency,

creativity influence,

build a people-centric society,



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