Sunday, March 12, 2023


As a result of executing people-centric strategy, the organization is able to orchestrate a differentiated experience as well as generate improved business performance stepwisely.

The world moves into a hyper-connected and interdependent ecosystem under “VUCA” new normal. There's plenty of industry research to show that people-centricity with multiple dimensions such as strategy, information technology, process, design, technology links accelerate business performance for the long run. 

People centric companies become the choice generator for delighting customers and driving business growth. They seek inventions, intuitive designs, customer-delight, creative problem-solving. Since there are many elements to people-centricity, the key to success is to focus on something that can truly make differences and build long term business advantage.

People-centric strategy needs to be comprehensive, takes the outside-in view and puts the people at the center of business strategy: Although being people-centric is at the top agenda of every forward-thinking organization, Often organizations don't know how to develop a strategic plan based on how to create value for customers. Very few companies can develop a good strategy with a blend of strategic thinking -what do you intend to do in the future to create high contrast customer experiences.

Fewer of them are able to walk the talk from top-down to digitize every touch point of customer experience and quantify its value. Customer Experience may include products, prices, distributions, availability, convenience, and branding, etc. It takes the outside-in view and puts the customer at the center of business strategy and catalyzes people-centric innovation in a structural way.

Information Technology influences the digital touch point of customer experience: In the digital era, a customer experience is initiated by the customer and the experience is defined by the touch points, in which businesses leave an impression on those who come in contact with their efforts. Information management makes information available and useful, exert lots of intelligence, do data analytics, look for customer insights for digitizing people’s experience and coming up with personalized solutions consistently.

As information technology moves consumers from passive to active, it is where experience becomes what shapes perception. The more contact over time, the more smoothly those customer experiences are; the deeper and possibly the more meaningful those impressions. Information Technology is the integrator and superglue to recombinant dynamic business capabilities for digitizing touch points of customer experience, improving people-centricity, and accelerating business performance.

Business process is a crucial part of optimizing customer experience, and customer experience is the sum of the process
: Processes underpin capabilities, capability-enabled strategy has a very high success rate. Therefore, process optimization is an important aspect of people-centricity. To improve customer experience, the management should further verify: How many processes or customer touchpoints are included. How many people are involved? How much time/finance requires at each step or touch points? How to optimize processes and build intuitive products or services, etc. Besides process management, moving towards people-centricity and scaling up personalization effort can be achieved through policies that are taking the customer perspective not just from the process perspective.

To improve people-centricity, organizations need to understand whether their processes or the elements of the process are commoditized or intimate vehicles for "sensing" either the external customer environment or internal employee environment. An ultimately effective and efficient business process should offer many invaluable experiences and benefits on both sides- customers and companies! Empathetic design enables the business to improve customer satisfaction by providing customized products or services that fit their needs. People-experience, when done with rigor, discipline and focused approach in the right way, can be developed into a strategic capability.

It’s crucial to make people feel involved in the design and implementation scenario: Design is the art for expression, visualization, interaction, delight. Being design-oriented is that you prioritize making things likable vs. just making them functioning with the goal to be customer-centric. Designing is a complex activity which requires business knowledge, technology expertise and a rich understanding of users into innovative and compelling products or services. Design = forming human-made products or services to be pleasing and preferred by people. In practice, more and more design work is focused on holistic and strategic business initiatives and fundamentally changes organizations and their societal impact.

Good design thinking starts with a customer empathy map, providing the simplicity of selection, usage, and reliability. People centric experience design explains “why” - the purpose of design, and rules which explain how, and streamline a full cycle of research – “define - design - prototype - iterate – test” based on a set of suitable standards and design principles. It is the science for experimentation, implementation, technical complexity behind the scenes.

People-centricity is both a philosophy and a set of practices. People-centric design lifts up the organizational maturity from functioning to firm to delight. The degree of people centricity alignment – customer strategy, the process to strategy, technology to process, and organizational design to all - tells the compelling story and improves business competency. As a result of executing people-centric strategy, the organization is able to orchestrate a differentiated experience as well as generate improved business performance stepwisely.


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