Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Any capability which fulfills all these conditions would lie pretty close to the core competency of that enterprise and thus is valuable.

Change is increasing its space; how viable the business is depends on the business's ability to build new capability, and achieve innovative forms of competitive advantage given path dependencies and market positions. 

Organizations need to keep discovering their own strength, find their niche. Complexity is the content put in the building blocks and the outcomes from interactions with the building blocks. Forethought organizations build a set of core, and better recombinant capabilities in order to become more competitive.

Capability is an ability, process is the realization of a capability, and integrate them into cohesive competency: Capability view is for the strategic re-think of “what,” and process view is about the “executable knowing “how.”The capability is a very flexible term: Usually, it is used at a high level, and it requires a combination of "things" - the complete list of "things" it requires. There are different conditions to evaluate a capability, such as - is this capability valuable? Is this capability rare? Is this capability costly to imitate? Is this capability non-substitutable?

Process underpins capability, and capability underpins corporate strategy. Process design is logical-how it is or will be done - describes a solution; focusing on creating, improving, replicating, and releasing capabilities. The quality of the business capability directly impacts the effectiveness of business strategy execution and the level of organizational maturity.

Assessing organizational capability in the business environment and setting/resetting of strategic direction: Organizational capability in the management is needed to maintain strategic fit - stop individual projects if a change in direction makes them no longer necessary. Set the right priority, figure out how new capabilities are developed and existing capabilities are getting enhanced using Architecture Development, design or optimize business capability and achieve high-performance results.

Today companies very often say yes to all the initiatives, with the consequent lack of focus. This is then spread through the organization and people no longer know where the priorities are. It’s always important to laser focus on the most important things, create value and see the big change and reap the benefit early on and keep moving on the success path, to reach the zenith of growth as the business world continues to expand and diversify.

A typical capability lifecycle spans need, requirements, acquisition, in-service, optimizing, obsolescence: Capability based strategy has high probabilities of execution success. Implementation of strategic goals that determines how each part of the organization, including all of the key functions must "put it all together" to build differentiated capabilities and lead desired changes. To keep the teams and employees focused on the most important things, enforce logic, more often nonlinearly, improve problem-solving intelligence, and accelerate the business capability development cycle.

To improve the organizational competency and shorten business capability development cycles, what can be unifying is looking at each function in the enterprise as a subsystem and then finding a unified means of looking at the essence. To improve organizational system agility and capacity, companies focus on shaping dynamic capabilities as the strategic business routines by which firms achieve new resource configurations as markets emerge, collide, split, or evolve, etc, for accelerating performance.

Any capability which fulfills all these conditions would lie pretty close to the core competency of that enterprise and thus is valuable. A high-competitive company enforces an iterative planning- implementation continuum and has a deliberately close alignment among the company’s strategic direction, its coherent and distinctive capabilities, and most or all of its products and services, and guide the business to the future in a structured way.


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