Thursday, March 23, 2023


An integral management system will assign accountability for business initiatives and make business progress more transparent, measurable.

With rapid change and frequent disruptions, the ecosystem environment becomes complex. To explore the emerging horizon and lead forward solidly, it’s important to understand what it means to the business and get to know the external changing connected environment or the entire business ecosystem. 

At the strategic level, the executive team should make well-informed choices which include considering the business impact of different approaches, the pattern of benefit delivery, the risks involved and how to improve organizational performance cohesively.

Does the faster operation at daily base help to achieve the good or worst strategic business result for the long term? With unprecedented levels of uncertainty around a volatile marketing situation, fierce competition, disruptive technologies and so many variables to consider, identify decision blind spots, capability gaps in business management. As organizations have limited resources, focus on the most critical issues facing in the business, put all things in context to make smooth implementation, enforce coordination associated with business processes, and build business competency.

If the business is stagnated, or business is inundated with daily busyness; organizational managers need to ponder: What are top priorities to improve business competitiveness? What are the key drivers behind the initiative? What problem or event is driving the need for it? How can such an initiative improve the circumstances and solve problems effectively? By identifying and portraying the touch points visually, information and knowledge can be tapped in streamlining business initiative’s benefit flows. When the business revenue increases, the operating cost remains the same, the business as a whole improves its return on investment and achieves the high-performance result.

Do people work hard and smart enough to get ahead of change curves and achieve higher than expected performance? People are always one of the weakest links in business performance management. The gaps exist at the people’s mindsets, the organizational culture, and business underlying structure or process. Business management must define vision, mission, and objectives in any business undertaking, and then pursue them vigorously with your business purpose and goals.

Individually or collectively, hard work is relative, but what is important is to manage the plan, effort, and time scientifically. You must break your mission into specific and concrete objectives. including the appropriate mindset, and channel your energy into what is expected of you. Understand your work environment, understand what is required to be done, have the right resources; become more goal driven and set the right priority. Sometimes doing nothing can be much more productive than working hard towards an indeterminable goal. With the right amount and type of effort applied strategically with good timing, you will head your way to achieving your ultimate goals solidly.

Does a strategic risk management discipline help to streamline business operation and make it more effective, running with solid speed? In quite many organizations, silo setting, business relationship frictions, culture inertia, etc, all increase risks significantly; as their risk management system is detached from planning-implementing-performance management of the business. But in practice, there is a lack of integration between strategy management and business risk management, creating the silo effect, losing the benefit of cross-sharing and cost-saving, impeding business management alignment and execution.

Risk management complements business planning-implementation management. Risk management systems and processes need to be highly automated, strategic, and transparent. It’s critical to understand the risk appetite of business management, improve the risk attitude, embed risk intelligence mechanisms into corporate culture, and increase clarity of employee accountability. People can see what the outcome will look like throughout the risk management process that makes business more effective and resilient.

It is a cohesive entity of policies, programs, initiatives that concentrate and fuse corporate resources to enable an organization to establish, sustain, and enhance its competitiveness and capabilities for self-renewal. To deal with today’s complex problems and overcome challenges, individual work and group work cannot be done without horizontal unification. An integral management system will assign accountability for business initiatives and make business progress more transparent, measurable.


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