Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Only initiatives that support the achievement of business objectives should be implemented.

Business is nowadays complex, every organization is at a different stage of the business growth cycle. In order to manage business initiatives successfully, the quality information and logical scenarios are needed to achieve high performance. 

The real challenge is to understand your priorities, and know where and how you can and should improve, leverage available resources, focus on the most important things, boost business energy and take initiatives to reach the next level of business maturity.

It is about developing the hybrid organizational structure which blends structured and unstructured processes to run a flexible business: Organizational structure and its impact on business maturity could play either a positive or negative impact. The bottom line is how well the organizational structure is being influenced by factors such as communication effectiveness, information fluidity, people centricity, etc. Fine-tuning underlying business structure and processes is a critical step for improving business overall business fit and ensuring the business as a whole is superior to the sum of pieces.

The right mixed structure allows the growth mindset and innovative culture to bloom so that the business can stretch out in every business dimension for driving high performance. The traditional hierarchical lines will phase out; flatter structures will help to speed up organizational response to changing markets. Fine-tuning organizational structure, either managerial hierarchy or information flow structure needs to become the common practices to keep digital fit. Create a harmonized working environment by communicating smoothly to make collective decisions and taking a collaboration road to achieve strategic goals.

It’s about having an empowered workforce that is able to take initiative for making the business nimbler and improving people-centricity: Organizations need to get away from letting things fall through and start taking initiatives for creating integrated wholes. The strategic objective is to understand what your customers need and to help the business orient itself towards those needs in pursuit of business purposes. Customer experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, involving the stage of awareness, discovery, attraction, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation and advocacy.

Because a product is a manifestation of customer centricity. Partner with practitioners from different domains to extend and hone the design tools to better address the challenges, balancing time, investment, and limitations of customer experience of process management. Think of the customer experience as brand, positioning, and environment, from the standpoint of rigorous user understanding. Business-level designs are always aligned with user interaction designs that implement customization initiatives.

It’s important to walk through all the various dimensions of quality such as accuracy, consistency, effectiveness, reliability, etc: Business context is indeed a very important perspective. Quality management needs to be embedded in all of them to ensure building a high-quality business: There are dozens of specific management functions and management wheels in any organization. Quality is not just the specific task of one single business department or function; it is one of the management disciplines which needs to be taken in a systematic way.

Quality management ensures that an organization, product or service is consistent, effective, and meets customers’ expectations. Quality check includes making an objective assessment of organizational effectiveness, efficiency, scalability, flexibility, resilience, etc, or the overall business fitness of an organization. Keep improving products/services quality to delight customers. The quality check of the teams is to evaluate both individual and team performance on how effectively they can improve the quality of products/service, their skill/capability/ potential, as well as their agility to bring an organization to the next level of maturity.

Compared to the mechanical nature of the industrial organization, contemporary organizations are like the living systems that can self-adapt and self-renew in thriving as high-performance businesses. To keep eyes on what matters, identify what generates the most value for the company and express that in business objectives, set the right priority. Only initiatives that support the achievement of those objectives should be implemented.


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