Sunday, March 26, 2023


The key to reinventing business is about engaging the whole organization in knowing and understanding the direction and strategic planning of the organization, handling concurrency, creating synergy, and generating differentiated business value ultimately.

In face of rapid change, fierce competitions and hyperconnected business environment, it is without a doubt that organizations across industries should realize that in order to be successful within their industry, they have to focus their efforts on building differentiated competencies to run a high performance business. 

There are functional initiatives and cross functional initiatives, quick win or long run focused initiatives, identifying what generates the most value for the company and expressing that in strategic objectives helps managers keep their eyes on what matters, set the right priority and lead changes in a structural way.

Organizations need to take great opportunities for growth by assigning their resources and time carefully: Problems that arise in organizations are almost always the product of interactions of parts, never the action of a single part. There are strategic initiatives and tactical initiatives. Every business initiative is to solve certain issues and achieve certain goals. With rapid changes facing in business today, overly rigid processes or static information becomes the big barrier in effective problem-solving. Either for individuals or organizations, to survive and thrive in today’s digital dynamic, you need to be innovative to thrive, be nimble to adapt, and be resilient to recover.

To avoid being overwhelmed by the complexity of issues and overcome problem-solving fatigue or impasse, the leverage point is about how to make the right decision at the right time with the right information by the right talent. Thinking creatively about a problem requires being close to the problem, and figuring out alternative ways to shape better solutions; engage employees or delight customers. Organizations need to have flexibility in response to unpredictable or unanticipated circumstances; demonstrate overall multifaceted resourcefulness to formulate unconventional alternative solutions.

Refining your business capability is part art and part science, and building your business capabilities is more science than art: Processes need to be seen as the building blocks of the organizational capability and pieces of the big business landscape. When you try to build business competency, improve people-centricity; there are many more links that can be drawn from process management: Does it really matter how you categorize the activity and whether or not it is technically feasible? What comes first? Process or collaboration? Is collaboration grafted onto process only? Or is the process discovered through collaboration? Do you have integral capabilities- recombinant, unique and differential?

Processes underpin capabilities. On one hand, to manage processes and data, improve business fluidity; and on the other hand, to show the daily business advantage and further opportunities for capability refinement and cost optimization. In order to break down the silos, people first need to see the benefit in breaking the silos. Take advantage of collaborative platforms and knowledge sharing tools to optimize processes, refine business capability, from end-to-end to promote efficiency and effectiveness, spur innovation, amplify collective human capabilities, optimize customer experience, increase customer value.

Reinforce a healthy cycle of application development, rationalization, integration, optimization: Complication, duplication, legacy, dysfunctional systems, are all serious issues that bring frustration and cost organizations a significant amount of time and resources in keeping the light on only. Keep updating business knowledge, capture business foresight to evolving emerging trends for developing new business applications. Strategic application development can add value to any organization if it understands the various business lines needs and wants, the short-term objectives and quick win nature of applications are transformed into the long-term strategic advantages for the organization,

In business reality; there are a lot of applications, which provide overlapping functionalities, there is no clear ownership of the applications. Some organizations are faced with serious application sprawl and a growing backlog of out-of-date and often unsupported applications. Application integration and optimization are the keys to ensure that the application ecosystem offers real value for future business competency. Keep trimming the cost and eliminating unneeded stuff. Increase agility, speed, paying specific attention to quality, standards, regulations, etc, to improve the overall health of the application portfolio. Application rationalization can’t be successful unless the business management is supported with activities to increase the maturity of the business governance process and organizational management discipline.

With high velocity and uncertainty, you have to look into an unknown future and attempt to define the business landscape with its risks and opportunities. Diagnose the real issues of the business and make an objective assessment of digital readiness. The key to reinventing business is about engaging the whole organization in knowing and understanding the direction and strategic planning of the organization, handling concurrency, creating synergy, and generating differentiated business value ultimately.


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