Sunday, March 26, 2023


Policies need to serve a purpose. There are correlations between policy, leadership and commitment.

Organizations across the industries set their own pace for leading changes, catalyzing innovations, and accelerating business transformation. Setting policies is both science and art. Insightful policymakers should have a clear vision about the future of organization or society, 

 Senior leadership teams including board directors need to ponder: How does the organization ensure policy coherence across the organization? Is policy-making effective to improve multifaceted value creation of the company? Are those policies encouraging coherent performance and enhancing conformance? By establishing, updating policies effectively, you can align, integrate, and optimize the important factors inside an organization or society systematically. Policies that are clearly understood, articulated, and commonly shared, are the genetic code of any great organization.

Policy is a set of principles or guidelines to drive behaviors: Policies need to serve a purpose for advancing business progress. Unfortunately, in many organizations, just because a policy exists, it doesn't mean they will be effective or followed. Good policies set the right tone of improvement from mindset to attitude to behaviors, promote transparency, trust, respect, creativity, open communication, cross-functional collaboration, people-centricity, etc. Forward thinking business leaders experiment with policies and practices that create a favorable and sustainable outcome.

Good policies improve effective problem-solving to fit business purposes. They encourage positive thinking and good behavior; enable people to become more productive and effective. Bad policies discourage people from effectively solving problems, or cause them to become part of problems. Businesses need to see correlations between business purpose, policy, and problem-solving.

Policy is focused on improving business processes coherence: No process works without policy. A process in and of itself must be governed via a set of policies or rules; otherwise, it won't be followed. Whether the business process is effective or not, you have to measure it; keep optimizing it, and adjusting relevant policies. Good policies lubricate the business value chain, relationships, as people cross the boundaries will pull in the same direction, improve flexibility in planning and implementing.

A policy is implemented via protocol, process or practice, etc. By following a right set of policies with flexible management disciplines, the workplace can be more disciplined, initiate changes provocatively to achieve high performance results. In order to make policies more effective, it’s important to make seamless alignment of hard processes and soft cultures, improve business performance and conformance smoothly.

Policy is not static, it needs to keep evolving, updating: Strong leaders set good policies to inspire transformative change and incremental improvement. Policy should be updated to enhance the change you would like to see. If not, then the policy is irrelevant. Good policies are not about limiting people’s potential, it’s the strategic constraint and necessary frame to shape the fitting mindset and behavior.

Due to rapid change and dynamic business environment, quite a lot of policies across organizations, industries or geographical locations should be reinvented and go to the iterative cycle of policy setting- policy updating management. You need to not only sell the policy but also sell values on culture and philosophy. Management needs to allow the community to have a voice for feedback, a much-needed mechanism to refine and fix a policy that is not functioning smoothly. If not, then the policy is more than likely not needed

Policies need to serve a purpose. There are correlations between policy, leadership and commitment. Policies are communication from the top. Just because a policy exists, doesn't mean they will be effective or followed. It takes leadership and commitment to improve policy effectiveness. Organizations need to do what their policies say or have the policies say what they do. The good policies are not “shelfware,” but the “shareware,” all parties should benefit from following them, to make the working environment more open and fairer, and improve business performance consistently.


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