Sunday, March 26, 2023


Innovation has a broader spectrum, hybrid nature, and deep context. It is a broader and longer journey with many leaps and jumps, bumps and curves, perils and pitfalls on the way.

Today innovation can happen anywhere and anytime. It expands both horizontally and vertically. It’s the state of mind to think and do things from a new angle. Nowadays innovation requires iterative and integrative approaches; there are creative people who can think differently; there are robust processes and tools that enable organizations to generate winning concepts for innovation management on a consistent basis and improve innovation excellence.

Listening and learning how you can best help the people you lead to become more innovative and productive:
We all bring different perspectives and our boundaries might have changed based on the open conversations and taking the time to thoughtfully think about the specific issue of boundaries. To be conscious is to be aware of and engaged with both the inner world of thought, feeling, reasoning, and the exterior world of synergy, experience, and relationship. The interaction between these two parts of our existence is the home of our creativity. Collectively, after you have listened and collected the invaluable feedback. observing deeply, understanding things comprehensively, you are able to diagnose the right problems and solve them innovatively.

Abundance creates connection and creativity; scarcity creates fear, silos. Sometimes we define boundaries for ourselves based on what we feel we are capable of. If we don't feel adequate for the task, we might dismiss ourselves from responsibility or do it unpassionately. Scientists, Artists, Musicians, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, etc, all of whom can be considered misfits, because they practice critical thinking to challenge conventional concepts, create novel ideas and do things or design innovatively. It takes time to learn to feel confident, to be different, to be unique or misfit. Farsighted and determined innovators do like to be creative, deepen their understanding of values, cultures, philosophies, and knowledge.

Being human is to first find our true identity through self-reflection and self-realization: An innovator is often an inspirational, inclusive, and interactive visionary and a pathfinder, Thinking aloud really helps you test and refine ideas; the trick is selecting the right audience; one that will listen appropriately, constructively challenge your thinking, stimulate you to seek better answers, but most of all provoke you to listen to their ideas. This is the reason why you are far from your own self to listen to our own inner voice, become more self-aware, and innovative.

Innovators advocate inclusiveness, they share ideas, make good inquiries; be able to listen effectively and be more creative. If you do not listen, you will lose full support of the associates, if you don't tell and share, your associate might not understand you enough, and thus, you cannot achieve the results you want to achieve innovatively. More often, the logical mind makes a judgment, interprets, and analyzes what is wrong or right. Perhaps creative thinking is the synthesis of logic plus novelty, to think out of the box, and connect wider dots via nonlinear logic to generate fresh ideas unimaginably. Creative intelligence is the clear perception of any situation, plus the ability to generate good ideas unexpectedly.

Flexibility is about balancing process and creativity; rules and change; cultivate trust and encourage creativity: It is critical to cultivate the culture of creativity, recognize your innovation champions and build creative teams with cognitive diversity. So people feel comfortable being who they are and taking the right dose of risks to get the work done in their ways. As an innovative leader, when you make an assessment of people, walk in the shoes of others you're judging, understand them from a different angle - character, strength, creativity, consistency, etc.

Innovation is not lip service, but a tough journey. The organization can reach the stage of ripeness, when it acts as an organic system which continues evolving and adapting, informative and innovative, You have to systematically develop the business competency to execute it successfully, and that is something you do not accomplish overnight. Collectively, a range of technologies that have emerged can help to foster a deeper sense of connection and purpose in employees, ignite latent passion and bring together disparate parts of the organization. Because innovative leaders set great examples to walk the innovation talk effortlessly. with the right appetite to tolerate risks, have unique competency to unlock performance, take the right pace, and walk the talk for acceleration, innovation, and business transformation.

Innovation has a broader spectrum, hybrid nature, and deep context. It is a broader and longer journey with many leaps and jumps, bumps and curves, perils and pitfalls on the way. The evolution of innovation only exists in the more open environments that create unique business insights, take advantage of all sources of creativity in a more open way and leap forward innovation management to the next level of maturity.


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