Friday, March 24, 2023


Organizational management needs to balance different opinions, enhance mutual understanding, and harness collaboration.

Organizations large or small are on the journey of business transformation, they need to develop various competencies and success factors for running a viable organization. The business ecosystem provides unprecedented opportunities to strike a dynamic balance between the inner and outer elements. 

The challenge will continue to be: How to achieve a balance between virtual worlds and the human connection, local and global rules and conditions, short term and long term perspectives?

The organizational fit is the good balance of the fitting attitude and “misfit” thinking
: Organizational fit means how to balance the innate fit (growth mindset, learning agility, good attitude) and misfit (independent thinking and creativity) The mindset or purely psychological phenomena is about human thought and motivation. Influential leadership is about the balance of "Yin and Yang," to avoid the pitfall of “extreme thinking,” group thinking, or silo mentality. As there is a gray area in between, the key is balance. The state of psychological balance implies the right dose of ego - being both confident and humble, having the paradoxical intelligence to overcome extreme thinking. The business management needs to understand: What employees really, really think;as the proper psychological level of positive attitude, inner security, and genuine autonomy stimulates creativity.

Don’t be restricted by conventional wisdom, sustain a balance of diversified viewpoints, creativity, and unification, become open-minded and inclusive. Most of the time knowledge workers are perfectly able to find a balance between sharing knowledge and ensuring sharing knowledge will not become a goal in itself. Therefore, the assessment of an employee’s balance ability is to push and encourage teams to "think in bigger boxes"; engage all employees in improving their thought processes and increasing decision intelligence.

Organizations have to strike the multitude of balances which impact each other in order to achieve such a state of dynamic equilibrium: Business ecosystem is dynamic, hyper-connected, nonlinear, expansive, and interdependent. The linear planning-implementation scenario needs to be replaced by the iterative planning-action continuum. Every large corporation has tension between the forces for centralization and those for decentralization. Does your planning balance commitment and flexibility? The point is to figure out the “right level” of planning, make the continual attention to changes in the business and its external ecosystem.

It's all about balance and perception. broader scopes of communication and collaboration, and multifaceted resource alignment. You need complexity to understand and appreciate the simplicity and vice versa. Top management provides a framework in which the organizations operate, optimize strategy, structure, people, processes and performance that encourage fitting mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors. By taking a balance management framework, the management is able to keep the big picture in mind, while coordinating disparate silos of development where possibly providing achievable enterprise-wide solutions.

Balance between the two actions- competition & collaboration are underpinned by trust and control: Contemporary leaders could gain more trust and respect by asking the tough questions, practicing expert power to provide wise answers. Gain in-depth understanding of difference vs complementarity for business management balance. If we believe in nature's order of creation then we simplify the complexity, and if we don't believe in it, then we complicate the simple things. Data drives processes, as new mediums and environments emerge, the initial balance starts heavy on processing data, and then shifts toward data over time.

When multiple groups or departments or people are involved in the process, trust is a collective mind - the corporate culture; always balancing trust and control, process and innovation. Also balance between the two actions- competition & collaboration are underpinned by trust and control. People can tailor their own needs to select what is the best option for them. Organizational management needs to balance different opinions, enhance mutual understanding, and harness collaboration.The goal is to accelerate collective performance.

We are living in a complex world where inventions, developments, and conflicts are continuously changing, The level of business resilience and maturity depends on how business management, can manage the "gray area" effectively, improve and accelerate organizational balance and growth cycle both horizontally and vertically, develop differentiated business competency to accomplish defined change


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