Friday, October 15, 2021


Character means many things, which is inbuilt, the innate self, personality, sharpness, and dynamism.

Corporate character is a state of the collective mind and the combination of values, attitude, and integrity. Either individually or collectively, understanding character is very relevant and timely for those who are seeking new ways to broaden perspectives, deepen influence or maximize human capital in their organizations. 

To assess and develop the corporate character, it’s important to break down assessment types into multiple aspects such as how organizations make decisions across the hierarchy; their collective mentality to compete or collaborate; the uniqueness of their corporate brand as well as business reputation. Character sustains the collective perception and personality of the corporation, and strategy pushes the business to concern where it wants to go.

Corporate character enhances business purpose and multifaceted value:
Nowadays, organizations face fierce competitions and rapid changes, their character would reflect how they deal with marketing competitions, their attitude to attract new customers or retain loyal customers; their reputation to be an industrial leader or niche player; their culture to shape a knowledge workforce, etc. Ofen, the leadership character or personality makes a significant impact on the corporate character - decisive or procrastinate; candor or skeptical; solid or fluid; etc. Strong corporate character enhances business purpose; weak character confuses the substance with style; leadership and management, strategy with tactics; philosophy with practices, etc.

Without a solid corporate character, business relationships will enhance silo mentality; corporate leadership turns to middle level management; workforce are only human resource; people follow conventional wisdom without independent thoughts. To run a purposeful business with strong character, it’s the importance of understanding how relationships work, strengthening connections between business units, searching for meaningful business relationships both within these subsystems and between them; monitor and observe links and feedback systems to achieve business purposes. The digital era upon us is about people. It’s important to scrutinize the character of their people, help them find their purpose, align individuals’ purposes and goals with their organizational purpose and goals. So, collectively, companies can gain the super consciousness of business purpose, to reach the high level of organizational maturity.

Without integrity of character, the good strategy will fail to inspire confidence: Character decides who you are; strategy guides you on who you want to be. Without character, no strategy can truly help you discover your innate strength and unique competency. Without character, the strategy is just a style without substance. Character is like the seed with the uniqueness & color theme, hard to change, but it can grow organically. Strategy is a living ever-evolving pivoting mechanism. Authenticity, working ethic, trust, credibility, accountability, are all great ingredients in shaping a strong character, while a solid character can drive strategic change proactively.

Therefore, people want to follow in the footsteps of a leader of high character. While the business leaders need to ponder: Would a solid strategy still be plausible or does strategy suffer too where the character is flawed and trust is lost? Can you sharpen corporate character with unique ingredients you desire? As a leader, does your character match the character of your organization? Strategy change is considerably easy, but building a character is a long journey. . Businesses all need some sort of strategy since anything is easier to steer once in motion, but much of the learning experience comes from the journey, not the destination. Character decides what you learn from it, and how you apply such learning to the future circumstances.

Character is the hard element in the soft success factors such as culture: Culture is a corporate mindset, attitude, and character. It is the attention to the "soft stuff" that has a huge positive influence on productivity and innovation. The strategy is often sabotaged by poor character and poor organizational culture. The character is fed by the heart and mind, we really need the acumen and power to probe at a very deep level. High character demonstrates influence, courage, resilience, improves professionalism, and appreciates uniqueness.

Strong character reveals authenticity. Corporate character becomes one of the most critical components in cultivating a culture of innovation and building high business reputation. Culture is something a company does; it's the collective mindsets & character that are closer or further from an ideal. We call it organizational culture when such a mindset and attitude is set at the very top of the organization, and when people from top down are concerned about which ideas within the walls that derive meaningful behaviors, profitable actions, collective confidence and wisdom.

Character means many things, which is inbuilt, the innate self, personality, sharpness, and dynamism. Evaluating character is multifaceted: Innate thinking capabilities & styles, cognitive skills and decision-making biases; behavioral styles and patterns; motivational drivers and passions, etc, altogether and combined, they provide a well-rounded assessment baseline of "character." Collectively, it’s important to build a strong corporate character for making your organization unique and business mature.


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