Thursday, October 14, 2021


The dynamic planning process is the continual attention to current changes in the organization and its external environment, and how this affects the future of the organization.

Given the "VUCA" normality of the business world and given the complexity of today’s business problems, management is both science and art. The plan is nothing but planning is everything for adapting to changes. 

To avoid planning fallacy, a diverse and dynamic perspective is crucial for thoughtful planning because no individual has all the necessary expertise and each person has some unconscious bias. Forward-thinking companies need to keep planning and improving as the planning process is a continuous cycle and a part of the management process itself.

Change management planning: Change is the new normal; change management needs to be synchronized with strategy management. Change planning is about stakeholder engagement and how to achieve stakeholders’ ownership of the emerging strategy, plans, and roadmap. Change objectives must be clearly defined, understood, and accepted through planning. It is an effective way to achieve change if planning effort is integrated with normal management practices. Apply effective communication tools to engage those who will be impacted by the change and enable them to be part of shaping their future. That is one of the best ways of tackling change and improving its success rate.

The successful businesses are the ones that have learned why to change, when change is called for and how to decide what to change. It’s a systematic effort. Well planned Change Management with comprehensible understanding will greatly reduce and practically eliminate the fear of change that derails good or even great intentions, and increase opportunities to achieve expectations for changes. Engaging those who will be impacted by the change and enabling them to be part of shaping their future. That is one of the best ways of tackling change and improving its success rate.

Scenario planning: With high velocity and continuous disruption, scenarios can be very strong planning tools qualitatively, to uncover significant risks in the strategic plan, and get you the best time-value result. Business executives are usually sensitive to emergent trends, paying close attention to the opportunities and risks on the way. The value of scenario planning is to uncover significant risks in the strategic plan and make timely adjustments if necessary. You can use your scenarios to explore how your current strategies will or will not help you against possible disruption.

Usually, scenario planning is less formalized and can be used to make plans for qualitative patterns that show up in a wide variety of simulated events. You can compare your strategies to your current competitors and even imagine possibly emerging competitors. You can often establish a set of “What-if” scenarios with agreed-to response plans in place. Estimate a range of potential impacts for each scenario; share a simplified table that identifies the drivers and trends underlying each scenario by using a high/medium/low quantity measure. Good scenario planning improves strategy management effectiveness and risk management maturity.

Workforce planning: We are experiencing rapid change and exponential knowledge growth. Often, skill gaps are reality, mis-assignment or misalignment, etc, are some common pitfalls in workforce management. Workforce planning requires collaboration among cross-functional managers & executives, applying information analytics, and other technology-enabled solutions to integrate disparate planning sources and gain a comprehensive knowledge of the organization's collective talent requirement, skill gaps, and people insight. Strategic workforce planning is no longer the responsibility of just human resource, all functions in the organization have a stake in it which requires cross-functional communication and collaboration between varying departments.

People are human assets and capital. Talent analytics will bring business leaders together across the organization to share their experience and insight wherever there are talent/skill gaps in the system, and identify the root cause of low performance and competency gaps. It’s important to leverage talent relevant information to gain predictive insight and competitive advantage for identifying root causes of human capital related issues, and give practical guidance for improving talent management effectiveness. Whatever workforce management programs you run need to be smoothly aligned with the business’s strategic goals, improve the overall organizational performance, and maximize its potential.

The dynamic planning process is the continual attention to current changes in the organization and its external environment, and how this affects the future of the organization. And that's part of the management process itself to increase organizational agility and competency.


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