Thursday, October 14, 2021


Values Management requires a close examination of all of the organization's vision, mission, purposes, strategy, culture, and leadership.

When organizations mature, a key transformation must take place from “entrepreneurial to purposeful” transformation. It’s a healthy management discipline to gain a comprehensive value view, value is inherent and tricky though because it's subjective in the eye of the beholder. The value of contemporary business is multilateral (employee value, customer value, supplier value, channel partner value, alliance partner value, managerial value, brand value, and societal value, etc.) So the value management needs to be multifaceted and innovative. 

The dilemma is: If there are no values "glue" to keep everyone motivated by the collective endeavor, then you're sunk. If everyone is thinking and behaving in the same way through the same value set then that same stickiness will drain the organization’s energy, innovation and impacts, it perhaps stifles progress. How to define, convey, refine, leverage values, moving farther down from visibility to understanding to guidance, understanding its impact on your culture and corporate brand, and enhancing value-added innovation?

Visibility is the first step in the process but delivers the least added value, without visibility you're running around in the dark:
Either individually or collectively, values are not a set of behaviors we put on like clothing. They are the driving forces behind everything we do and everything we say. It's what we are. In the corporate setting, as nowadays, the stakeholders are diversified. It’s important to leverage value models to make wise investments and manage multidimensional business value effectively. Values aren't behaviors. Behaviors are reflections of what they truly value in any given situation in relation to what they say they value. Collective corporate values are manifested in the way people conduct meetings in the boardroom, the way people treat their employees, the solutions they offer to customers or the overall corporate brand.

Generally speaking, business value lies in existing customers' satisfaction, attracting new customers, happy employees, lower risk, avoiding waste etc. Value Management is about satisfying the expectations and the resources to achieve them. To gain visibility of the “hard” or “soft” business value, look at value as the intersection of risk and return, much like an investment portfolio manager will. Each organization has an array of investments it can make, and their portfolio of choices affects overall long-term return value. Some business development activities may deliver little to no ROI financial value for the short term, but it helps to build a strong business reputation or brand in the long run. So the value-based management needs to be driven by concepts like multidimensional collaborative value or collective advantage with multi-layer ROIs.

Understanding value offers more added values because it helps you create a strong corporate brand:
Corporate value is a multi-dimensional concept. Purpose, values and principles are part of corporate ideology/philosophy that shapes a unique culture and a corporate brand. There is a substantial overlap between the core values of the organization and those of the individuals who work within it. Misunderstanding of value variety could either stifle innovation or cause change management failure. It is important to celebrate the diversity of individual values and talents around that common core; it’s also critical to elaborate the core message behind value. If there is value conflict, understand the cause and effect, set certain criteria that everyone agrees with, and collectively, you can become more value-added, progress-oriented.

To perceive and preserve "business value," identify stories on the basis of the "strategic" or "tactical" value, you need to have a very clear idea of the overall "value proposition" as well as your business model. The whole value chain needs to be seamlessly aligned and engaged by sharing the value so customers and stakeholders - from suppliers, employees, shareholders, get their fair share, and ensure organizations become sustainable and "future proof." In order to show value, first, all parties need to agree on the common value proposition, then, you need to be able to measure it. The guidance offers the most added values because it's objective and exact.

Good value management improves business performance; great value management accelerates value-added innovation:
There are hard and soft business values, to achieve high business value, build a good innovation strategy to drive value-added innovation. It can create a clear line of sight between the enterprise vision and how to build a balanced portfolio with mixed breakthrough innovation and incremental innovation. If shareholders valued innovation more, then, they would value companies that devote resources toward future innovation more than those that optimize short-term profits.

To be value-conscious is critical, as the ultimate innovation isn't what you do; it's what you deliver for results to delight customers or varying stakeholders, and how being innovative becomes the state of mind. People-centric value enhancement is important to evaluate innovation. It’s about knowing that enhancement might be a matter of perception, and increasing value might be reached by alternative ways. By practice, systematic innovation is a structured process and set of practical tools used to design, build or improve products/services/processes that deliver new value to customers or satisfy employees consistently.

Values Management requires a close examination of all of the organization's vision, mission, purposes, strategy, culture, and leadership. It’s also important to set proper guidance coupled with deep understanding, both based on clear visibility to enhance multidimensional value and improve business effectiveness and performance.


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