Monday, October 11, 2021


To awaken innovation in the well-established organization, business leaders and professionals should think as an intrapreneur and act as a startup manager.

Digital is the age of innovation. And innovation is what leads to differentiation. There are many ways to differentiate and, therefore, there are many ways to pursue innovation. 

The purpose of the book “Unpuzzling Innovation - Mastering Innovation Management in a Structural Way“ is to demystify innovation puzzles in a structural way.

Innovative Imagineer

Innovatingwithimagineers Imagination is the seed to grow innovation and lead to discovery. The higher the level at which we are engaged and stimulated to imagine, the more likely we get inspired to take actions. At the highest level of imagination engagement, we become driven to leverage our imagination into innovative results. In face of rapid changes and frequent disruptions, innovative “imagineers” are in demand to reimagine business models of tomorrow; reimagine the future of leadership; as well as reimagine the emerging paradigm of people-centricity.

Innovationviasynchronization In the face of “VUCA '' business normality, the exponential growth of information and lightweight digital technology bring both abundant opportunities for business growth, and unprecedented risks to fail the business even overnight. Timing is everything. The high-responsive organization can synchronize their business at the multiple levels of the organization; it presupposes the ability of the entire chain with every connected entity to articulate their strategic intent, function collaboratively to create synergy and keep the business moving forward with the right speed.

Innovateviapotentialcenterofexcellence Performance keeps the business lights on; potentiality can be unleashed to accelerate future performance. Either individually or collectively, potentiality is the worthy investment and hidden dimension to explore growth opportunities, and investigate hidden paths for reaching the next cycle of professional/organizational development and maturity. A center of excellence for potentialization is often made as a competency center for enterprise-wide potentialization deployment. It refers to a facility or a team composed with talented interdisciplinarians who can work both on the box and cross the box to discover patterns, provide visionary leadership, invaluable advices; best and next practices; industrial or cross-industrial research or studies, interactive support or immersive training for managing collective human potential or organizational system potential systematically.

Unpuzzlingdesign Design is a set of creative and thoughtful activities that extend over time. Business leaders need to understand how things like design thinking can fundamentally change organizations as well as their societal impact. In practice, how they can apply design principles accordingly and build design as a unique business competency to demonstrate delightful products and services, promote sustainability, social responsibility and enhance a strong business brand.

Innovators & innovations People are always the most critical business asset and success factors of long-term organizational growth. To survive and thrive in today’s business dynamic, talented employees should keep learning, build their professional competencies; they need to become a niche player who can integrate their multi-capabilities into core competencies; they can solve problems innovatively by using their talent effectively; they are self-driven and self-disciplined to ride above learning curves, aligning their career goals and life journey seamlessly for self-actualization.

The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 5 million page views with about 8200+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify your voice, deepen your digital footprints, and match your way to human progression.

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Amazon Order Link

"Unpuzzling Innovation" B&N Order Link

"Unpuzzling Innovation" iBook Order Link

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Slideshare Presentation

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 1 Innovation Classification

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 2 Innovation Principles

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 3 Digital Innovators

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 4 Connecting Innovation Dots

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 5 Digital Innovation Best & Next Practices

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 6 Innovation Paradox

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 7 Innovation Gaps and Pitfalls

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Chapter 8 Innovation Measurement

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Conclusion Mastering Innovation in a Structural Way

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Quotes Collection I

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Quotes Collection II

"Unpuzzling Innovation" Book Quotes Collection III


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