Wednesday, October 13, 2021


The logical problem-solving scenario does conform to an inferential sequence, a focus or a goal, a motivation to explore proposals, a willingness to imaginatively explore alternative solutions.

Information exponentiality and over-complexity are the new normal, there are so many things going on these days, the blurred business borders, inevitable changes with increasing pace, disruptive technologies, etc. That means the more problems will emerge and businesses must overcome the challenges. Always remember that problems exist not in isolation, but as an interacting system of problems. 

An effective problem-solving architecture helps to set the right priority, solve problems that really matter, clarify the logic, with intentions and methodologies to take care of a chain of problems rather than an individual problem.

Business requirements centric problem-framing: Many organizations operate in functional silos, often problem-solving in one part of the company perhaps causes more issues in the other part of the company. Talk to the people who are using or will be using the proposed solution. Facilitating requirements negotiations is very beneficial to keeping everyone involved. For the large-scale cross-boundary problem-solving, the customers, users and all stakeholders including suppliers, partners, and all internal functions hold a stake in the requirements. As requirements are gathered, managed and discussed with executives and teams, focus on those requirements whose improvement has the most benefit to the business, and keep the stakeholders focused on solving the top prioritized problems. Ensure the "traceability" of the transformation of these business requirements to make them handled by the proper processes of the organization.

Business requirements assessment is an important step for developing a holistic business solution as the requirements manager never loses sight of all requirements and relationships across functions and divisions. Assuming any inputs are incomplete from a holistic perspective and are filtered from the silo's functional view, the reiteration of the requirements development process is essential to arriving at the "real" requirements. From solving the right problems in the right way, the key rests in getting all stakeholders to understand what is taking place, what it means to their organization, what the roles must be, and how best to proceed.

Simplification around silos: People over time have created complexity by dividing functions and now need to get them back within the whole. In fact, many problems are caused by redundancy and many other types of unnecessary complication. By nature, problem-solving is about simplifying and optimizing. Although the initial solution is perhaps complicated, it becomes more concise and efficient after continuous tuning. Every solution to the problem should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. The right dose of complexity means that a problem has an inherent and irreducible complexity; any attempt to simplify further than that will fail and any complexity added to it is harmful.

Logically, simplifying the complicated thing is an optimal and smart choice. In the businesses, there are always constraints, so simplicity implies to build as little as possible to maximize the amount of work not done, and maximize outcome to benefit customers. Simplicity is the design of looking for what is common for maximum reuse. A premium solution with a simplicity theme needs to be inspected from customer perspective and from solution management lifecycle cost perspective. In reality though, you will find the attitude of complicating things in systems and procedures and people love to hang on to the complications but they often decelerate business speed in a corporate world. It’s important to identify great problem solvers with a simple mind, simple thought and who gets on to simplifying everything, being passionate for simplicity, be it thought, procedures, systems.

Guarantee the proper integration: Many large scale problems have been broken down to the smaller pieces which can be fixed more easily. But remember, there are interdependencies between those pieces. Thus, integration is an important process to deliver a holistic solution without causing more issues later on. The transition from a small initiative to demonstrate value to a completely integrated solution is a journey that continues as the organization's information needs continue to evolve with the business. You integrate when a justification can be made for doing so. By integrating, you are creating a case where you force an organizational alignment to the integration, so that they can share and consume each other's resources, optimize cost and make seamless problem-solving.

Problem-solving today often has a very wide scope and takes the interdisciplinary approach. It is critical to apply an architecture framework to gain an in-depth knowledge of the interdependence of the problems, and follow systems principles for solving them in a structural way. Starting small is a good approach to problem-solving, but scaling up from there has to be carefully architected. The well-defined “cause-effect” relationships allow you to uncover the deeper causes, in order to make sound decisions and choose solutions and move forward. The successful integration will depend on the underlying business relationships between all of the crucial points and how they influence each other in building solid and differentiated problem-solving business competency.

The logical problem-solving scenario does conform to an inferential sequence, a focus or a goal, a motivation to explore proposals, a willingness to imaginatively explore alternative solutions. It’s important to provide guidance for problem-solving, breaking down something old, creating something new through a holistic worldview underlying the interdisciplinary theories and methodology. It’s important to keep information and ideas flowing and generate a variety of options to deal with complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty of the digital world.


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