Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 The role of the corporate board as a senior leadership team is to ensure the organization is running in the right direction. 

Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses in the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals.

 Here are the multiple perspectives of shaping a strategic boardroom with digital acumen.

Unconventional Board Oversight

Innate Connection of board-leadership and Management Leadership is a set of principles plus a series of practices. Corporate board governance and leadership is to ensure business effectiveness - doing right things; corporate management is about how to manage business efficiency and make continuous improvement - doing things right. The corporate board as the top leadership team sets the tone for transformative change. Good directorship is about creating the greatest value to motivate top leadership...

Innovative Board Oversight In a world of rapid changes, great boards are heterogeneous, inquisitive, intelligent, and innovative. The role of the corporate board as a senior leadership team is to ensure the organization is running in the right direction. An insightful corporate board can think multidimensionally, connect wider dots, ask thought-provoking questions to improve strategic decision effectiveness and organizational management maturity.

Unconventionalboardoutsideinviews A digital paradigm is an emerging business ecosystem of principles, policies, and practices that set boundaries to frame the smooth business transformation with the focus. The board provides an “outside-in” view to the business management by overseeing the strategy and monitoring performance management. It should also offer guidance for creative problem-solving and steering the business in the right direction by practicing digital philosophy and principles.

Innate professional oversight of BoDs In a world of rapid changes, governance is a discipline which continually requires stroking and attention. Otherwise, it will stagnate and lose its ability to steer the business in the right direction. The corporate board of directors as the de facto guardians of modern organizations consisting of experienced, insightful, independent, and reputable specialized generalists, plays a critical role in business governance and steering their company in the right direction.

Initiating Competency Synthesis In Boardroom In the industrial age, businesses are considerably static, with slower speed of changes, therefore, analytics is a predominant management style to break things down, creating silos for improving a certain level of efficiency. Now we are gradually moving in the digital era with hyper-connectivity, interdependence, rapid change and abundant knowledge. Synthesis is a crucial leadership skill, especially at the top level, for avoiding reinventing the wheel, understanding core business competency, shaking things up via seamless integration; and gaining an objective strategic oversight for leading business transformation holistically.

The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 5 million page views with 8100+ blog postings in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify your voice, deepen your digital footprints, and match your way for human progression.

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Slideshare Presentation

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Amazon Order Link

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" B& N Order Link

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" IBook Order Link

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Lulu Order Link

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Introduction

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Chapter 1 Introduction: The Digital Board's Composition Inquiries

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Chapter II Introduction: The Digital Board's Digital Inquiries

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As": Chapter III Introduction: The Digital Board's Strategy Inquiries

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Chapter IV Introduction: The Digital Board's IT Inquiries

The "Digital Boardroom: 100 Q&As" Chapter V Introduction: The Digital Board's Leadership Inquiries


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