Wednesday, October 13, 2021


Communication is both art and science; communication is the tool, not a purpose.

Communication is the bridge to keep people evolving at the same page to understand things or co-solve problems. Miscommunication enlarges cognitive gaps and decelerates the speed of changes. Communication as a soft success factor is complicated and fuzzy” because there are differences in goals and contexts; varying formats and styles. 

There are different functional dialects, communication styles, and these contexts can shift frequently. Almost every business professional, especially leaders, need to master what to communicate and how to communicate. Each one of them perhaps plays different personas in participating diverse communications for lubricating frictions in change and clarifying the common goals to make certain accomplishments.

Idea-stimulating conversation:
Fresh conversations can stimulate ideas generation and sharing. When the intent of "shaping ideas" is to create value, the act of conversation is core, as a skill in "shifting and shaping the conversation" to enhance the quality of the connection, ideas generated and integration of thoughts to come up with something great. Language is both art and science, not only a system of words and grammar. It’s the tool to help people make decent communication, express vividly or articulate logically.

Talking to another person about an idea significantly raises the total cognitive threshold available to analyze the situation. Idea-stimulating conversations provoke breakthrough thinking to arrive at creative outcomes that would be otherwise very unlikely. It also allows new pieces of information to be synthesized to generate new knowledge or fresh ideas. The idea-stimulating conversations are relevant, without fear of judgment, allow for expansive thinking, use the diversity of ideas as a rich source of connectivity and relationship, and harness connectivity.

Interactive listening-hearing communication: Communication has occurred when the message is received and understood. Communication could happen anywhere, anytime in the organization; top-down one way communication is often not so effective, it is a leadership responsibility to provide a safe environment for everyone at any level to question and speak candidly without anxiety or fear; harness an interactive listen-hear communication. To have this happen reliably requires a bidirectional and reciprocal cycle of questions and answers; listening and telling, questioning and answering are not necessarily sequential steps, but an iterative communication continuum.

To flatten the overly rigid hierarchy, people down the organization need to be encouraged to speak up, to tell the truth to power. It is difficult to do and it's often uncomfortable to hear, actively listen to what people say, engage in candid give and take communication, to build trust and loyalty. It is important to listen to what the other party wants to say. If you do not listen, you will never get the two sides of the story. Communication is the bridge between thoughts and actions. Discussion is more operational and managerial. It is important to foster a transparent and trustful business environment in which feedback and communication are based on reality and not simply what senior management wants to hear. Interactive communication harnesses trustful relationships and unlock organizational performance. True communication alters the direction that an organization can take. It moves the leadership from hierarchical to one where talent can be gleaned from within.

Healthy debate: The debate is a discussion involving opposing viewpoints; deliberation; consideration, or to dispute or disagree about. The debate is a critical thinking activity which helps to build the culture of openness. It can be a way to explore critical thinking from a non-biased perspective and deep understanding of certain subjects. We all bring our own biases and judgment to arguments. In order to win the debate, you would need to deepen your knowledge, and you would need to plan strategies and tactics to win the debate which would require applied critical thinking to discover things effectively.

Effective communication accelerates organizational speed; great debates advance human society. Having a debate where people are forced to uphold a view or belief that isn't necessarily their own, forces some critical thinking principles - increased perspective, less pre-assumption and looking at another belief from a little less emotional perspective. Debate can be a formal contest between competing ideas engaged in with the express goal of advocating open-mindedness, innovation, and collective progress

Customer-centric dialogue: Dialogue is “an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue with a view to reaching an amicable agreement or settlement. Dialogue is more of exploration without winners or losers; deep understanding of customers through empathetic communication. In order to understand what customers’ need, customer-centric dialogues involve gaining a deep understanding of the motivational construct of the customer and becoming more "anticipatory" of what the customer will likely "want next."

In a back-office scenario, the customer-facing employees will be better suited to initiate customer-centric dialogues, initiate some touchy-feely chat with the end customers or walk through customers’ experience, to bring up outside-in point of view, and soothe customers’ pain point in order to handle customer-related problems/issues and suggest solutions to the satisfaction of the customers.

Professional negotiation:
Negotiation is one of the most critical professional communication activities all over the globe. Have a significant amount of “negotiation” to make agreements and keep things moving forward. Negotiation is a professional communication skill to get agreement between two or more parties. Always focus on improving the situation and solving real problems. It’s important to well prepare all necessary information for a prioritized agenda, convey the right message in the right formats (presentation, debate, chat, etc,) to tailor the situations at the table for harnessing negotiation effectiveness and enforcing partnership.

Effective negotiators have a positive attitude and communication skills, they are working hard to engage other parties, spread clear messages throughout the negotiation sessions, take a diverse set of activities with mixed communication styles, and keep communication flow with verification, and make every negotiation session value driven to turn around the tough situation. It will take far more effort & diligence on your part to make negotiation a fair game to win heart and mind, and demonstrate strong professionalism and maturity.

Communication is both art and science; communication is the tool, not a purpose. It is critical that communication needs to be directly related to your audience situation, how it affects them. Great communicators are working to spread their messages in a diverse set of activities with mixed communication styles, and sometimes, they have to be fluent in multiple dialects, with contextual intelligence; and keep communication flow with clarity to get the work done and drive desired change.


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