Friday, October 1, 2021


Fairness is one of the most significant traits in wisdom, the fairer you are, the wiser you become.

Fairness means to be unbiased, impartial, objective, dispassionately discerning, and open-minded. Fairness is one of the most significant traits in wisdom, the fairer you are, the wiser you become. Fairness is like the scale, weighing things up, and keeping the right balance. It takes both kindness and toughness to be fair; objectivity and discernment are all crucial to make sound judgment and be fair and wise.

Impartiality: People often like others who are similar to them - look the same or think the same. Learning to be impartial means neutral, detached, open-minded, unbiased, or unprejudiced, without fear or favor. An impartial and holistic perspective can help people identify and close blind spots by looking around the corner and beneath the surface, making sound judgment. It is the opposite of biases and stereotypes.

“Being fair” is a mentality which takes multilevel thinking practices to gain wisdom, make judgment or decisions based on unbiased fact, dispassionate examination, and deep observation. We all have unconscious biases, believe it or not. There are a multitude of gaps in decision-making. Without the inner balance of energies, we cannot achieve a perfect balance of emotions and logic for observing deeply, understanding things comprehensively, and treating others fairly.

Objectivity: Being objective means you are not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; but make judgments or decisions based on unbiased fact, dispassionate examination, and objective opinions. Life acts unfairly many times by rewarding someone else for your achievements; one’s reputation gets tarnished by rumors or gossiping; or outdated traditions or cultures limit one’s life opportunity and choice. Objectivity is the science we set standard to evaluate, leverage quality information to analyze, and dispassionately examine the facts to overcome bias. Objectivity is an art we try to develop in our personality, a value addition to our character, make fair judgment or decisions based on unbiased fact, dispassionate examination, and deep observation

To be fair and less judgmental takes self-awareness, insightful observation, discernment, tolerance and inclusiveness. A more discerning individual is better equipped to make considerably fair judgments. The best you can do for improving objectivity is to be consciously aware that data is filtered and do your best to make sure your filters support thriving. As you learn to go beyond patterns, the discovery of how to use discernment allows you to choose your steps that are aligned with your inner, core self, do information-based analysis & synthesis in order to make fair judgments.

Empathy: Being empathetic is about treating the people the way they would like to be treated. When someone is sharing a thought with you, do you focus on what’s been told contextually and listen objectively with an open heart and mind. Sympathy makes the world caring; and empathy makes the world fairing. Empathy is an ultimate level of human cognition of being wise -nonjudgmental, fair, active listening and balancing between tolerance and respect to achieve that.

In reality, we all have bias due to the culture or environment in which we grew up, the media or books we select to follow; or the information we digest. When people receive empathy, they truly feel heard and they can learn to listen more proactively and respond with empathy. Walk in the shoes of the person you're judging, understand him/her from a different angle - character, strength, creativity, consistency, etc. So you can know them deeply and treat them fairly and empathetically.

Life offers each of us an abundance of opportunities to learn about ourselves and learn from others, be unbiased, be fair, and become better people and better-integrated leaders. Fairness is one of the most significant traits in wisdom, the fairer you are, the wiser you become.


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