Friday, October 1, 2021


Today’s digital leaders and professionals with learning intelligence can critically examine their thinking and reflect thoroughly on what attitude or behaviors help them learn, and master the full cycle of “Learning, Unlearning, Relearning” effortlessly.

Change is the new normal and knowledge could be outdated sooner than what we thought. Learning becomes a knowledge builder and we can define learning through the information it absorbs and the capability it builds. 

Learning competency differentiates high potential from mediocre, and it’s the great indicator of people's proficiency and long term professional competency. Learning cycles assume that learning is a process, it’s important to rationalize a healthy learning-unlearning-relearning cycle to keep knowledge fresh and enhance learning agility.

Learning: Rapid change and fierce competition demand everyone to continuously learn, maintain and grow their mindsets/expertise/skills. Learning is critical, but there is no magic learning formula to fit every individual or organization. That means learning is personalized, it could be multidimensional, dynamic, interactive, informal, and integrated. People need to discover their meta-learning style; manage their own time scientifically; and cultivate a healthy learning habit persistently.

The pervasive information age and knowledge economy requires the balance of “old experience” and “new ways to do things.” Learning occurs through the processes to solve problems, the activities we spend on absorbing information and digesting knowledge; the experience of failing, etc. Do not waste the invaluable lessons from it. Learning is a constant process; we learn from past experience; we learn from others; we learn from failures, we learn from doing, etc. In fact, learning is not a passive activity, but a proactive pursuit.

Unlearning: Change and disruption are the new normal, there’s outdated knowledge and fresh insight; and there is a mixed quality of information, etc. Top seasoned leaders or high professionals become aware when some of the long-acquired knowledge is no longer applicable in certain situations. So they have to unlearn, keep their mind flowing, rather than getting stuck at the old box, but being able to break down conventional thoughts, expand their thinking box to spark creativity and innovative problem-solving. Keep growth in mind, learn from every experience, but also learn to unlearn your experiences when needed.

The tough part is that often the mindset of the older generation is perhaps more rigid, their “know it all” attitude might stop them from learning new knowledge and adapting to change because they are deep-seated with life experiences and beliefs. It’s important to constantly unlearn and fight against conditioning and to respond creatively and uniquely at all times. The more you do, the more you'll learn how to leverage proper tools and media with dexterity and build creative competency. In the businesses, transformational innovation won’t take place if their core tendencies in their business life cycle aren’t identified and overcome. Unlearning what a company has learned is part and parcel of fixing what is broken.

Relearning: After unlearning, you empty your mind, let the fresh information in, it’s very natural to relearn the updated knowledge, clarify concepts, even generate new knowledge, and gain unique insight on the changing circumstance accordingly. We live in the nonlinear world in which learning-doing is no longer linear steps, but an iterative cycle of “learning-sharing-doing- improving- relearning.”

High potential leaders and professionals are continuous lifelong learners, and adapt more readily to whatever changes life/work throws at them. They not only assimilate the existing knowledge, more importantly, they share knowledge with others who can then try them out and hopefully improve them. They apply knowledge to doing knowledge work, observe the consequences of their actions, make inferences about those consequences, and draw implications for future actions. They keep updating knowledge, create new knowledge and become a true knowledge value creator.

Limitations on learning are barriers set by humans themselves, as learning is a continuous process and everyone has an enormous capacity to learn, and never stops learning. Today’s digital leaders and professionals with learning intelligence can critically examine their thinking and reflect thoroughly on what attitude or behaviors help them learn, and master the full cycle of “Learning, Unlearning, Relearning” effortlessly.


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