Monday, October 11, 2021


Unprofessionalism leads to outdated thinking, misjudgment, drives ineffective decisions, and further causes the business fragility and stagnation.

The business environment is full of uncertainty, velocity, complexity, and ambiguity, high professionalism is an important quality for today’s multigenerational, multicultural and multi-devicing workforce, and it is a foundation to shape growth mindsets, cultivate open-minded leadership, nurture culture of learning and positive atmosphere with intellectual stimulation, to both unleash employees’ potential and drive organizational maturity seamlessly.

Incoherent thinking/judgment: In this age of information overload, it's hard to find the truth - let alone your own truth, both decision-making and problem-solving become more complex. Incoherent thinking and judgment enlarges cognitive gaps, leads unprofessionalism, and causes many issues in running a smooth business. In practice, critical thinking is a type of professional thinking process to do logical reasoning, understand, interpret, judge things objectively, leverage diverse viewpoints, update knowledge, deal with "lost in translation" syndromes skillfully, and fix the root causes of problems thoroughly. So the opposite of critical thinking perhaps causes unprofessional mentality and misjudgment. For example, passive thinking is about taking things as they come and not really asking thought-provoking questions to analyze the information presented for its value, or to be mindless is to "not think," but rather follow down some well-worn grooves of behavior. "Irrational thoughts" often causes misjudgment and comes up with illogical solutions,

To practice professional discipline for harmonizing thoughts, attitudes, and actions, it’s important to know we all have a cognitive bias, whether individually or collectively. These cognition gaps create obstacles for defining the right problems or solving them smoothly. It’s important to be aware that today, you have to be humble and realize there are many things you know you don’t know and perhaps even more which you don't know what you don't know. Therefore, it’s important to expand your thinking box, apply multidimensional thought processes to understand many today’s complex problems, and leverage nonlinear logic to solve them smoothly.

Inconsistent communications/interpretation: Communication is the lubricate to harness collaboration and enhance problem-solving. Communication is complicated today because there are differences in goals and contexts. These contexts can shift. There is interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication. Miscommunication or misinterpretation is a common pitfall which is often caused by misinformation, perception gaps, or lack of contextual understanding, pre-conceptual judgment, random assumptions, prejudices, or simply lack of deeper understanding. “The Lost in Translation” could happen at any level of the organization; if inconsistent communication happens due to a lack of quality information and professional communicators, the business intends to solve symptoms but cause more problems later on or perhaps on the other side of the company.

Without using common business understanding, misinterpretation and miscommunication further cause dysfunctional management and decelerates the speed. Technically, there are both “hard” communication barriers such as out of date procedure or practices, inefficient processes, and “soft” communication pitfalls such as silo mentality, internal politics, bureaucracy, ineffective communication channels across the organization, etc. Communication is difficult sometimes, because words alone are only crude tools of communication and terribly inefficient at conveying the context or logic to clarify communication intention and goals. Misinterpretation enlarges communication gaps and causes decision-ineffectiveness. Inconsistent communication blocks business fluidity, and causes organizational stagnation.

Irrational actions/behaviors: There are varying causes behind business failures, lack of accountability is one of the crucial reasons that make business dysfunctioning and ineffective problem-solving. Irrational actions or behaviors lead to unprofessionalism, collectively, at the team or organizational level, irrational actions make the business vulnerable to risks, and causes business failures large or small. Organizations have to consciously fight against establishing a culture of no accountability. "Holding accountable" means to overcome negative emotions and take stepwise actions. accountability is not only to accept the responsibility for what you do- the actions or behaviors, but also what you say- the knowledge sharing or feedback giving, even dig into the mindset - what you think, in order to build a culture of accountability. You will be held accountable" is on the face of it, not a bad thing, you have the freedom to do whatever needs to be done, and the responsibility to ensure you do your best to bring about a good outcome.

In any organization, opinions of a person do not just weigh on titles, but how effective a person is in their respective role within the organization, their responsibility and the accountability to fulfill their responsibility. Behaving accountable is the result of a culture with values that need to be organized and nurtured. If irrational actions have been taken, the leaders and managers should be more interested in finding "causes," not interested in assigning blame, in order to build a culture of accountability. The true measure of accountability is about resilience. It is determined not by whether someone or a team makes a mistake or not, but on how quickly they can recover and ensure their business can fix the issues they cause and lead in the right direction. Speaking philosophically about responsibility and accountability usually leads us to the conclusion that all humans should be responsible for their own communications and actions so they can generate value to themselves, organizations and societies.

Professionalism development is a progressive journey. It doesn’t mean if you had a profession, you would automatically be a well-respected professional with high professionalism. It’s important to overcome the pitfalls discussed above as unprofessionalism leads to outdated thinking, misjudgment, drives ineffective decisions, and further causes the business fragility and stagnation. High professionalism is a crucial characteristic to run a high performance business.


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