Wednesday, October 13, 2021


If you create great conditions and you are wired the right way, you can recognize groundbreaking approaches and move ahead, practice, practice, and practice more to keep innovating.

Being innovative is the state of mind to bring new perspectives, spark fresh ideas and transform inward focus creativity into outward driven innovation. It’s an ability to identify patterns or make unusual connections. 

Innovativeness consists of two phases; the creative ideation up front, and then the sharing and implementation downstream when explaining, developing, and selling to sufficiently involve others in adopting and improving upon the excitement are involved, in which conditions the mind can be recharged with creative energy and innovativeness can be elaborated from an individual endeavor to the team spirit.

Adaptability meets agility: Adaptability is to be understood as the ability to adapt self efficiently and fast to changed circumstances. Agility is the ability to "pivot" and change direction in response to environmental pressure, or to create new opportunities dynamically. An adaptive mind is an open mind that is able to adjust its thinking processes accordingly to changes in its environment to absorb all necessary knowledge and abstract it into insight or create new knowledge. When adaptability meets agility, the mind can become more agile, with learning plasticity to keep growing, generate more fresh ideas and create momentum to change.

It is a continuous journey to adapt to the new world of businesses - faster, always on, hyper-connected, and fiercely competitive. Agility implies three “I”s: Improvement, Iteration, Incrementalism. When adaptability meets agility, self-adaptive professionals or organizations are able to develop dynamic capabilities to shape the change they want to be, explore the emergent opportunities, keep innovative mentality, cultivate risk-taking attitude, improve emotional intelligence, and make continuous improvement.

Changeability meets flexibility
: Innovation is the most wanted change. Changeability gives you confidence because you know you are able to positively adapt to any given situation, accepting, embracing, and leading changes accordingly. People need time to assimilate change and work through the issues that result from the change, moving from the emotional to the rational. A flexible mind is more positive to face changes, or even failures. Thus, when changeability meets flexibility, people or organizations become more innovative as they show the right dose of risk appetite and resilience to take alternative ways for making changes happen and catalyze innovation.

Because every organization consists of a majority of reluctant people with change inertia. Developing changeability takes effort and time. Flexibility means less overly rigid processes, well-known practices, or “right vs. wrong” polarity. Change champions demonstrate critical thinking skills, a high level of adaptability, learning agility, communication and engagement skills to catalyze changes. Change agents with flexibility feel comfortable to be unique and innovative, and welcome the diversity of thoughts as a fountain of creativity.

Unconventionalism meets versatility: With rapid changes and frequent disruptions today, the issue is that with the conventional mind, you expect unconventional results, like keep walking around without real progress. Being innovative indicates to be unconventional, different, and think out of the box; when you have left the confines of other people's thoughts, connect the wider dots to generate fresh ideas. In fact, the profile of innovator that is most common is the talented people with an innate curiosity to improve, breakthrough unconventional wisdom to innovate. The unconventional wisdom comes from the balance of logic and intuition, thinks fast and slow, takes the risk of experimenting new ways to do things, and discovers the unique path others never takes

Nowadays, innovation is complex, having enriched knowledge or versatile talent is foundational to create more fresh ideas in today’s sophisticated digital world, although knowledge shouldn’t confine our imagination. Rather, it’s the very clue to evoke imaginative thoughts and nurture an innovative mindset. You have to be determined to get better results somehow and it will help to try unconventional thinking, practices, with a better result. Being innovative is essentially anchored on the versatile people's overall multifaceted resourcefulness, to formulate unconventional alternatives or solutions to resolve problems, show versatility and flexibility in response to unpredictable or unanticipated circumstances.

Being innovative is not an ability you can impose by instruction, and no amount of examples, algorithms, lateral thinking guides or random approaches. Being able to engage in the successful creation of innovations is very hard work and does include a lot of deep thinking, observation, inquiries, unusual connections, experimenting, and hardwork. If you create great conditions and you are wired the right way, you can recognize groundbreaking approaches and move ahead, practice, practice, and practice more to keep innovating.


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