Thursday, March 2, 2023


Culture reinvention is an interdisciplinary approach involving anthropology, philosophy, education, technology, etc,

Organizations across vertical sectors are transforming from industrial silos to hyperconnected interdependent people-centric businesses. Although a company may have its "own unique culture," there can be diverse and sometimes conflicting cultures that coexist in its subdivisions due to different characteristics of the management team. 

Those organizational cultures perhaps also have negative and positive aspects that can affect employees' own perceptions and identification. Hence, business leaders need to analyze, integrate, and reinvent their organizational culture, in order to drive business transformation proactively.

Business culture is a display of collective mindset and behavior: As culture is influenced and shaped by the interaction between employees, management, and their environment. The large scale of business transformative changes must dig into the mindset level, to overcome “the good enough mindset” or mediocre culture trap. As a leader, does your character match the character of your organization? Can you sharpen corporate character with unique ingredients you desire?

At the core of culture, it’s the leadership that impacts on collective mindset, attitude, or actions, as their policy setting makes an impact on how people accomplish work, how customers feel their brand, as well as the overall business reputation, etc. The culture tone is set from the top. Not only should business leaders exemplify behavior, but also should they transmit positive energy to a variety of people, and work with the right mindset to create an inclusive organization. Company strategy flowing from company culture and organizational culture impacting strategy implementation; such mutual reinforcement are propelled by intentional leadership at its best. Senior leaders have to walk the talk; believing in the effects and high value of company culture, Senior Management starts the wave coming into the shore, but it then has to reach the seashore before it can go back out. They need to be great cultural influencers.

An organization's culture reflects the values and pattern of behavior of management and can be labeled as the organization's personality: As culture, has much to do about how a group of people feel about and how they contribute and make a difference. So culture understanding provides the insight upon why people are what they are and what makes them tick formed through a diversity of cultures and nuances. An organization's culture is visible from the collective attitudes - how employees behave at the workplace with co-workers, interaction with customers, customer/employee loyalty.

A good culture requires respect, responsibility, self-discipline, autonomy, and purpose; contrast that with a typical old corporate culture, which is bureaucracy, command- control, distrust, overly rigid hierarchy, etc. It’s crucial to build a culture that willingly confronts tough issues and makes changes because the business leaders understand the driver of change and are able to integrate various subcultures of the organization to glue up a strong business brand.

Culture change is difficult, a continuous improvement culture isn’t built in a day, it takes strategy and practices:
Organizations today are a huge melting pot of employees with the very characteristics of hyper-diversity. Advancing leadership disciplines and practices become an integral effort of culture change: putting the corporate purpose, people and customers’ experience at the center of everything you do; communicating and sharing the higher purpose, developing the right environment in which sharing is a must; building a culture of high performance.

The desired cultures in information-based societies include such as culture of learning, agility, innovation, performance-driven, etc. Cross these diverse cultures are usually essential and the key to reaping the benefits of innovative organizations. The focus of culture reinvention makes it much simpler to scale up the transformation efforts of the organization as the business rapidly grows. Select the right cultural assessment instruments that cover different aspects and hence why qualitative data is so important to pick up the richness and the 'invisible' aspects of culture, underlying assumptions and unwritten rules, with the goal to shape the ideal culture structurally.

Culture is a competitive differentiator, the organizational differentiation can be facilitated by a culture encouraging innovation collectively. Culture is not a mythical "thing" that comes automatically. Culture reinvention is an interdisciplinary approach involving anthropology, philosophy, education, technology, etc, enabling leaders to frame bigger thinking boxes, and approach problems via multifaceted ways holistically.


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