Friday, March 10, 2023


High-performance organizations need to be agile to initiate change, innovative to create unique business value, flexible to provide alternative solutions, energetic to perpetuate business improvement, and resilient to failover and fail forward.

With rapid change and frequent disruptions, the business should always be open to, conscious of, and feel empowered to act upon change dynamics. The ambidextrous organizations have to be solid enough to give some sort of form or meaning but amorphous or fluid enough to its environment and respond to change promptly. 

Organizations today need to build dynamic business competencies and develop solid practices to shape a high mature organization with information quality, business reliability, and management accountability

Information quality is a very important aspect to build a real time intelligent organization: Information is one of the most invaluable assets of the organization. If the information is unavailable, inaccurate, lost, stolen, or compromised, it will hinder the achievement of business goals and even mislead the business in the wrong direction. Information Management quality means quality data, quality management, and quality measurement. Ensure enough historical/real-time information is available. By “quality data”; it means clean, organized, actionable data from which to extract relevant information into fresh knowledge and unique insight. Data quality does not end with managing the incorrect entry of information, but the logic and coherence of data has to be taken into account too.

Information is not for its own sake. More attention needs to be placed on the conditions that allow information to flow and generate value rather than try to manage or control. If you are at consumer business to improve customer centricity, you probably do need real time or real enough time analytics for "availability" or "profits"; to ensure transparency and visibility, enable trust and reliability, and make sure the right people at the right position can access and use the right information wisely to drive business changes timely.

Running a reliable business with a steadfast speed takes planning, structure, and process tuning:
Reliability is one of the significant quality aspects of running a high performance business. From strategic planning to implementation, reliable structures and processes are crucial to ensure that the business is on the right track to keep things moving forward in the right directions, improve business effectiveness and efficiency. Organizational leaders have to not only provide clear process guidelines but also see that the teams are engaged, collaborative, and accountable to produce the higher than expected business results to ensure reliability and endurance continually.

With a faster pace of change and continuous disruptions, there are both day-to-day operational issues and strategic concerns for improving the business’s reliability. Reliability is not about being static or silo, as the matter of fact, it’s about connecting, and collaborating to improve quality and harness trust and transparency. If you try to impose solutions or structures that are too far ahead of the curves, the result is alienation and rebellion rather than transformation. Product or service reliability is one of the critical non-functional abilities such as availability, quality, scalability, reconfigurability, interoperability, elasticity, security, etc.

Accountability is teamwork, people are accountable for their own words, and their own commitments:
A professional is responsible for their actions, be accountable for our own words, and their own commitments. They should be accountable to their company, to themselves, their own conscience. However, sometimes they forget or get distracted or overbooked. Knowing how you react and respond in different situations can help you understand and improve cognitive, relational and assertive actions you take on a day to day basis and enforce accountability across the organizational hierarchy. In the end, one should be accountable for their words with no external impetus.

Cross the organizational hierarchy, from top-down to bottom-up, the management should be ready to invest time and effort in improving collective accountability. Collaboratively, people should be accountable to themselves, the team work, as well as contributing to their organizational long term success. A Clear understanding of the senior management efforts required as this requires an extended duration to achieve results. The chain of accountabilities needs to be reinforced, to improve collective organizational problem-solving competency and achieve higher than expected business results.

To get into the deep, deep “VUCA” reality, organizational management today must make an objective assessment of the level of organizational performance and maturity. Companies that have taken the steps to mature their practices find that these become embodied in the corporate culture and the effects of the healthy business management cycle. Organization as the complex system is not necessarily a complicated system with restricted regulations or policies. High-performance organizations need to be agile to initiate change, innovative to create unique business value, flexible to provide alternative solutions, energetic to perpetuate business improvement, and resilient to failover and fail forward.


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