Wednesday, May 17, 2023


The very goal of business initiative management is to set the right priority, align key success factors of the business, streamline business resources, process, and capacity to improve overall organizational effectiveness, innovation, agility, and maturity.

Organizational initiative management is crucial to build business capabilities which enable change and strategy implementation. Identifying what generates the most value for the company and expressing that in strategic objectives help managers keep their eyes on what matters, improve risk intelligence, and avoid pitfalls for leading long term business success.

Only business initiatives that support the achievement of those objectives should be implemented effectively.

 Organizational Value Management is about satisfying the expectations and the resources to achieve them: Business value lies in existing customers' satisfaction, attracting new customers, engaging employees, lowering risk, avoiding waste etc. The value-based management needs to be driven by concepts like multidimensional collaborative value or collective advantage with multi-layer return on investment. Value Management means the P&L of the active portfolio; the strategic return on investment of the business initiative portfolio; the total cost ownership of the portfolio.

It’s important to make the calculated estimation of the desired results clearly defined with appropriate metrics, do comprehensive value/cost analysis, build an inclusive team of stakeholders and business partners to further define the charter, prioritize and allocate resources to reach expected results.

Organizations across sectors work on enhancements and modernizing their platforms for business improvement: Business improvement in practice can be achieved through many different means -reflection, best/next practices, comparison with a reference model (framework). Different functions see the problem differently, and need different remedial steps for course correction. Continuous improvement is more likely to be sustained if there is a framework and takes a whole system-based approach.

The breadth and depth of business management improvement include process optimization, capability development, people development, workflow streamlining, culture evolution, etc. Business analysis, process management, and customer relationship management need to be integrated in order to improve business effectiveness and efficiency. The magnitude of improvement and the impact it has on the organization’s short term, long term all depend on the vision and the competence of business improvement management
Fully cover wide enough directions and ultimately discover the nonlinear path to walk through the innovation labyrinth smoothly
: The degree of business innovativeness depends on how business subsystems interact with each other, and those interactions can be nonlinear, technical, informational, or human. The business needs innovation silver lining from specific tools rising to an overall business capacity to solve problems creatively. Businesses which are able to innovate successfully at a breakthrough level are on the right track to reach innovation excellence.

At the level of innovation maturity, different types of innovation should be managed via tailored management processes. Organizations which are able to make the innovation process as visible and company-wide as possible; manage a balanced innovation portfolio with the right mix of incremental innovation and radical innovation, can increase the likelihood that they will prosper in generating differentiated business value.

The more stakeholders can impact business initiatives seriously, the better chance the business initiatives will achieve or exceed the business expectations. For the large scale of business initiatives, it’s important to establish a cross-functional team to involve multifaceted management. The very goal of business initiative management is to set the right priority, align key success factors of the business, streamline business resources, process, and capacity to improve overall organizational effectiveness, innovation, agility, and maturity.


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