Wednesday, May 24, 2023


It's the importance of understanding interdependence between business functions, interconnections of past, present, future, ecosystems, market dynamics.

We live in an era, full of uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, the result is the higher risk of priority conflict, change inertia, resource limitation or business vulnerability. A lot of parameters, correlations, and context should be taken into account as business management and measurements are complex today. 

Organizations must enhance management disciplines to keep tuning success business factors for building differentiated competency.

It takes a lot of energy to break old habits and outdated thought processes, but change is happening at a more rapid pace: Change is inevitable; if you make a change part of your routine, then change becomes easier to deal with. It starts at the mindset level. The mind interprets how we see the world -the perception, and decides our attitude to solve problems. Learning from others doesn’t mean accepting others’ viewpoints completely, but apply critical thinking to do logical reasoning.

Being learning agile means to learn from different channels, transcend information to your own knowledge, tailor your own needs to select what is the best option, and capture insight for leading paradigm shifts. Good advice or timely feedback is crucial to resolve a situation through applying accumulated experiences, these experiences in turn become the reservoirs for resolving the next ‘situation’ with the fresher thoughts, leading to collective progression.

It’s important to raise everybody’s level of accountability, to break down the silo, and produce good outcomes:
Today’s organizations are the mixed bag of old and new, different functions within an organization perhaps hit different learning curves and run at different speeds. To break down silos, it’s important to apply holistic thinking, setting the proper guidelines and integrated processes, encouraging cross-functional communication and collaboration, and keeping information flow with verification.

True accountability focuses on learning to do things differently, make sound judgments that consider consequences to others, and solve real problems in a better way. If you ensure the individuals have autonomy within their tasks, you will be able to address performance on an equal partnership basis; performance accountability can be harnessed by motivating your employees to achieve higher than expected results and building the culture of learning, trust, and innovation.

It is useful to define the business as a system, then look for its outcomes, learn from its historical roots, and make a long term leap for the future
: We are destined to look forward, and in doing so, see both the past and the future in front of us. The goal to define the boundary is to focus on problem-solving by understanding the interconnections and interdependencies within or between systems, to ensure the digital boundaries are cursive and fluid for adapting to changes.

Past can teach us great lessons. We are learning from the past, and developing towards a new future. If we no longer refer to the past, then we are likely to repeat mistakes of the past. If we consider mistakes in the past as being in a different time or context, then we are not certain to obtain the same outcomes. Business management needs to resolve the tensions between future possibilities and past experience, bridge the gap between "where we are" to "where we want to be"; and create synergy so as to keep their enterprise ahead of the crest of the wave.

In order to reach the high level of organizational maturity, companies should gain the super consciousness of business purpose, let themselves think not only of what exists, how they exist, being in the business world. It's the importance of understanding interdependence between business functions, interconnections of past, present, future, ecosystems, market dynamics, Organizations proactively search for meaningful business relationships within these subsystems and between them; monitor and observe links and feedback systems to build integral competency and achieve business purposes.


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