Sunday, May 14, 2023


Influencers ethically, diplomatically, and enthusiastically lead others to their "greatness" all the time.

Nowadays the digital world has become so hyper-connected and interdependent, influence is a mindset, followed by a set of differentiated competency. We come together in an effective way to develop creativity, bring about breakthrough ideas, and accelerate the change we want to see in the world. Influencers must be brave enough to do what is needed, what is right and what may not be the easiest journey.

In this holiday, we should recognize profound influences in every profession across the world, who are able to think innovatively, understand and share their viewpoint persuasively; and lead the world forward inspirationally.

Influencers are who find themselves first, then help others discover themselves, and help people find each other on the boundaryless globe: Authenticity is the very foundation to deepen influence. Global leaders and professionals should know the answer for the question of "who am I" and understand the essence of "human being" in order to be authentic and make an influence consistently.

It’s important to design a compelling vision of the future, determine the “WHY” of the journey you will take, be clear on the value that will keep you on the road, and have the courage and determination to go until reaching the destination. What makes the difference between "good" and "great" is how well an individual builds the leadership strength and unique style with clarified goals, and pairs the goals with the organization and our society.

Influencers are strategic and courageous thinkers who can inspire others to unleash their own potential: Being a thoughtful, mindful and multi-dimensional thinker is more crucial to be a deep influencer. In today’s global dynamic with increasing speed of changes and hyper-competition, what’s your inspiration and motivation to lead changes? And how to manage it more effectively? As more and more global citizens grow up in cross-cultural environments, they should absorb the quintessence of Eastern & Western culture, discard the out of date, old-fashioned way of thinking process, and create a positive aura with scientific logic.

Leadership is about influencing people and culture, inspiring changes, and innovating the new way to do things. Have the wisdom, courage and empathy to lead others with authenticity, expertise, and humility. People follow an influential leader because it brings out the best in them and is in their best interest in the long term to unleash their full potential.

Influencers are empathetic, sensitive and responsive, guide people to figure out alternative ways to do things: Influencers are human beings with a deep sense of others, a clear sense of themselve, a clear vision, and the ability to engage others to make it happen. They are open-minded; view the whole picture and apply creativity in areas not explored yet; show versatility and flexibility in response to unpredictable or unanticipated circumstances. They have multidimensional competencies to orchestrate unconventional alternative solutions to resolve problems, in response to unpredictable or unanticipated circumstances.

Influencers ethically, diplomatically, and enthusiastically lead others to their "greatness" all the time. Such leaders role-model the very principles they coach. They don't have to be perfect but understand their strengths and acknowledge their weaknesses. They are the people who can inspire others to do great things all the right


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